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This commission is in continuity with the current chapter of Switch. :)

When Bria showed up and chased away the blonde psycho, there was a part of Synthiria that was sorry to see her leave.  Her adrenaline was still pumping from the fight as she watched her opponent slink out the door.  The rush from the encounter was certainly more excitement than she expected to find at a party full of high school kids pretending to be older than they were. 

Kaleo brought over some drinks and Syn found herself grilling him about his history with this girl, Casey.  He didn't have much to tell: apparently they had an afternoon of sex at a public beach awhile back.  He thought he'd  found the perfect woman at first, but things crumbled quickly once they started dating.  She was clingy, pushy, and she talked to herself like a weirdo whenever she thought he couldn't hear her.  Plus she seemed to have daddy issues a mile long.  

As the night wore on and the party died down, Syn and Kaleo found themselves an empty bedroom. Syn was so full of energy that Kaleo could barely keep up with her, and she wore him out fast.  It was probably the best night of sex he ever had, but she wasn't even thinkng about him as she rode his dick.  She was thinking about Casey, and what might happen if they met again. 




It's cool getting a look at Casey from other characters' perspective


awwwwwwww shit yeah, that's hot. Just a busty, sexy woman taking a "Reinblast" full of cum :). Funny- I completely forgot about Kaleo's part in that story, so I was surprised when he referred to Jonah. Only now am I realizing he was the second guy in that strip. I guess I was too focused on the sexy girls getting railed, and ignored the guys completely. Pretty normal in a porn comic I suppose :). I didn't realize he & Casey had dated. I guess we miss a lot of her exploits given how much she flies from one "D" to another. Not like she was ever remotely faithful.


In my head, she's CBG19....

Bob Fink

This is so hot and I love the tease that there maybe some fun coming up between Syn and Casey ;)

Stanley Kuo

This girl looks so much like Comic Book Girl 19 lol.


Hey Kaleo was pretty easy to forget. I barely showed his face at all in chapter 2. To be honest at the time I hadn't really planned to bring him back so I didn't put much emphasis on him.


Thanks I'm glad you think so. This was a fun little scenario to write.