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Casey had been icy to Royce since he told her off about how ridiculous he found her view of their relationship to be.  Now the only time she spoke to him at all was just to keep up appearances in front of her mother.  Naturally Casey also cut him off sexually, confident that he'd eventually cave like always and beg for her forgiveness.

After a couple of weeks Royce still hadn't caved, and Casey was getting impatient.  On a particular October evening Sylvia had gone out to the casino, and Casey paced anxiously in her room.  Where was he?  Casino nights were the best times for she and Royce to fuck, as Sylvia usually stayed out the entire night.  She scowled at her bedroom door and found herself growing more infuriated with each moment that passed without him knocking.

That's when she remembered the costume Sylvia bought her to wear for her company's upcoming Halloween party.  She decided to teach Royce a lesson and remind him what he'd missed out on tonight.

She found him reading in bed, and she strutted into the room wearing her slutty vampire costume.  She nonchalantly asked him how she looked in it, and he barely looked up from his book.  "Nice," he said.

Casey balled her hands into fists in a sudden spike of anger.  She started to speak but Royce grabbed her by the arm and threw her down on the bed.  She struggled, entirely for show, as he held her down and pulled her top open to reveal her breasts.  But when he brought his throbbing cock up to her lips, her act was over.  She took it into her mouth eagerly.  Casey sucked his dick harder than she'd ever done for anyone.  This time felt different than any other somehow,  maybe because she didn't realize how much she missed being this way with him until this moment.  Her heart fluttered in her chest as he pulled his dick out to slap it against her wet lips before thrusting it back down her throat.  When he came at last she swallowed as much as she could before she choked.  She didn't usually like drinking come, but this time she wanted to take as much from him as possible.

When it was over they just stared at each other for a minute,  neither of them seemed to know exactly what to say.  Casey curled up against him in the bed and her eyes felt heavy.  She fell asleep, and slept better than she had in weeks.



Bob Fink

Looks like Royce won this round ;), and of course Casey does look very hot painted in cum....


That story was weirdly touching, in a really fucked up kind of way. I like the mix of tenderness, lust, and hardcore sex you infuse your world with Reinbach. It's definitely one of the better qualities of your writing!


She doesn't usually like drinking cum? She could've fooled me, she always seems to enjoy it.


Oh god that "Consensual Force-Play"-- *NFF* So friggin' hot. It'd probably look SO violent in image-form that it's hard not to look like straight-up Rape Porn, but in text? YUP- hot. Also, skooshy boobs, a spermy mouthful and some "Mid-Shot" cumming over the girl. Very nice.


You're absolutely right. It's not exactly the type of thing I'd like to draw, especially because comics are so much slower that even in this context if Royce pinned her to the bed while she was struggling that might be all readers see for a week until the next page shows that Casey was just putting on a show.


I wondered if I should have worded that differently. While it's true she does enjoy a shot in the mouth she's not usually attempting to drink it all like she is here, especially considering the way the men in this universe come in such exaggerated amounts. She'd be a lot messier here if she hadn't tried to swallow it all.


Hey thanks I'm glad you think so! I do my best to put a personal spin on my porn. :)


Wow she looks so amazing in the bloodrayne outfit! Never expected that :) amazing


Like the story that went with the view of the winning outfit. Got a nice mental image of Casey enjoying herself with Royce again and even got to see a slightly different side to her in the end. Love how BloodRayne's outfit looks on Casey, and how her expression shows her pleasure of being physical with Royce again after so long.

