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One hundred pages!  I'd like to thank you guys here at Patreon for being a major part of keeping this fire going so long, as this is easily the biggest comic I've ever done and I'd have never had the resolve to come this far without your support.

As for this page, I'm glad for a chance to show another example of how Casey reacts to being put in her place by someone close to her.   As always I feel it's a fine line between making a complex, multi-sided character and making an inconsistent one who behaves too unpredictably to be believable.  Meaning I hope I've shown Casey well enough so far for readers to logically imagine why being told off by Royce makes her stomp her feet, but being yelled at by Bria upsets her much more deeply.  

So on another topic, if someone wanted to start their own comic, and they came to me for advice, you know what would be the first thing I'd tell them?  For the love of God name it something weird that no one else would ever pick ever.

As many of my fellow gamers may already know, Nintendo announced its new console today, the Nintendo Switch.  In all seriousness I don't think this particular coincidence will affect my comic in the least,  but this isn't the first time that the name I chose for my story proved to be a little too common.  I picked the name "Switch" as a loose homage to  Milo Manara's "Click," the first smut comic I ever read and the one that left the biggest impression on me.  And hell even that name ended up being an Adam Sandler movie eventually, and that's just the only instance I know about. 

And so for my next comic I'm going to take a cue from hentai titles translated into English, as they are often just a bunch of words strung together that make little sense.  But I tell you what, I highly doubt you'll ever find anything else named "Bible Black" or "Front Innocent" or "Cool Devices."  Next time? I'm going with a crazy ass name and copyrighting it immediately just to be sure.




Damn Brai is so hot :)


Awwwwww yeah, things gettin all emotional up in here! It's kind of nice seeing Casey in a more emotionally distraught state, as weird as that sounds. I like how well it humanizes her. It'd be too easy to think of her as just a slutty nutjob without moments like that. I also just noticed that the way the 'Get off me bitch' text is posed it looks like Synthiria from the panel below is saying it lol.


Mmmmmm.... angry Bria.... I wish *I* could go to parties with so many lusty, chesty women :). And I really like Casey's face when she's been told off- that extra little bit of emotions is so easy to read with your work, when most people just draw everyone with a small handful of expressions. You can sort of see the emotions churning around in her head, where Casey is shocked, a bit angry, but also hurt by a close friend (one she wants to sleep with, too) getting mad at her. Most artists just have "Angry Face", "Lusty Face" or "Generic Smiling Face" and leave it at that- even GOOD artists often can't do complexity. But I see it all here. Oh yeah, and giant boobies. Can't forget the giant boobies.


Well whenever I have someone talking from off- panel I at least try to lead it to a panel where they are shown, like with Bria in the last two panels.


Hey thanks! I've gotten some critiques in the past that my faces all tend to look alike. At least I seem to be doing a decent job of keeping the expressions diverse. :)


I didn't care for Jonah at all. He came off as an asshole to me. Bria should find herself a good dude, like Marcus *wink* *wink* lol


Then again she did cheat on her boyfriend. Maybe she deserves to be stuck with an asshole.

Bob Fink

Oh this is really going to get interesting now, with Bria calling Casey out. What will Casey's next move be?


Aww shit. Synthiria put her top back on. Sad face. Great page regardless. Thanks for featuring Syn in your comic. Its been a real pleasure. :)


Hi, sorry if I'm missing the plot here, my hectic life is getting in the way of following the story properly. First, I'm guessing casey has being super aggressive before and over protective to bria hence bria getting upset. Yet how is bria calling casey out? she knows casey is in love with her and she goes full on slut with another guy that's not her bf (it is true she broke up with her man tho) The only thing I see that's the problem, is casey made bria the way she is and brought it on herself


No problem! Let's see where to begin. Casey isn't always aggressive because she's protecting Bria. More often than not it's because she's short fused and volatile in general. Check out page 30 and Bria will give an example. So this happens often and Bria has had enough. Also Bria is convinced Casey doesn't have any real romantic feelings for her and just wants to have sex. Hope that clears things up for you! :)