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I can say without irony that I believe Dead or Alive 5: Last Round on PS4 to be the best tournament fighting game ever made. I'm serious, I really think it is. It's fast, it's flashy, it's easy to pick up but difficult to master, the move sets rely more on strategic timing than complex button inputs, and the bombastic destructible stages make you feel like you're watching two superheroes pummel the crap out of each other. Also: tits. Just bouncing tits and panties everywhere. 10/10. 

I've drawn DoA girls in the past, but I think this is the first time drawing my main and personal favorite: Lisa Hamilton. Lisa is an unscrupulous scientist who moonlights as a luchador wrestler. (Do I have to keep explaining why this game is awesome?)

But Rein, you ask, what about Dead or Alive 6? I don't talk about DoA6, I'm afraid, as it's not so much a "game" as it is "a product designed to inflict pain until you pay extra to make it stop." You unlock costumes by playing a boring, frustrating series of tutorials that go on forever. I assume this gameplay structure was implemented after their first idea of "send a guy to shove spiders into your mouth until you open the store page" proved to be too expensive to implement. 

But I'm not all doom and gloom on the franchise. DoA 5 was so epic, there's a fair chance that no follow up could have topped it no matter what they did.  And at the rate publishers are getting gobbled up these days, the series could find itself with slightly less evil owners in the future. One can hope! Meanwhile if you think I'm right or wrong or just have your own input about the games to share, let me know! 




Never played DOA so I'm not familiar with this character but she looks amazing. I don't even want to look up her official art because you probably made her look way better than she does in-game lol.


Ahhh DOA, the reason I bought a second hand PlayStation 1 XD and then, a PlayStation 2. Loved this game, I could actually pull of combos and blocks. Though sadly the PC version of DOA 5 got cut up into massive amounts of DLC. I only know Lisa from the volley ball games, not sure she had a background story at that point. Awesome art, loving the colours. :)


Thanks! Though leave it to DoA to deliver on the hotness, she looks great in the games as well. (This "swimsuit" is one of her actual costumes in DoA 5.) All I did here was maybe embellish a cup size or three. XD