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My thanks to Mr. Bug for the question! As always, if you have a question of your own for the TRW cast, let me know in the comments or a PM!

Thought hard about this one. I figured Abbey for the jealous type in a big way, so I feel like this tracks with her personality. Meanwhile Abbey's strip model was in dire need of an update, so I spent the morning overhauling her. One might notice she's gotten a little bustier with this update, and indeed she has, though on purpose for a change! Ha! Unlike many of my characters whose bust sizes just creep up gradually over the years because the artist drawing them can't help himself, Abbey is canonically intended to be still growing bigger, and it will eventually come up in the main comic.

That's all for now, going to try and get a head start on this week's TRW page so I can play some Elden Ring tonight without feeling guilty. Hope you're all having a good Monday!




Now this is something i really want to see...


This and the development around Bria brings me to a thought - what would Abbey say to Casey's hypotethical pregnancy? Especially interesting might be, if the question was asked by Royce or Mr. Fontaine.