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EDIT: Felt Bria's upper lip was a bit oversized in panel 3 so I shortened it. On the upside, at least the edit image process is working again!

Casey is such a smug character that I may not get another chance to draw her truly awestruck again for quite some time. :)




Damn. She just opened the flood gates. Great new chapter. Can't wait to see the next one! ^^


Well, i wasn't expecting this, sign me up for this wagon!


Thanks! And yeah with Bria's expression in panel five I wanted to convey that she knows exactly what she just unleashed lol.


The middle and bottom panels are some of my favorite images out of this entire comic. I love where this is going and I love that I have no idea where that is!


I see this chapter has gone on longer than you initially expected. When you first started it you said it would be the only chapter where the characters are naked/having sex on every single page. Looks like that plan changed.


You got me. I planned to end this chapter in the hotel room at first. But I had some things I needed to set up with Bria and this seemed like the best place to work in a quick scene with her.


Glad these panels stand out to you! I spent forever especially on that bottom panel today trying to get Bria's pose to look right.


pandora's box has been opened! kiss your loved ones goodbye, because all ends now! :D or begins, for us ^^


there is so much about this page i love. all of caseys expressions are wonderful and Happy to see things progressing with these two. throw caution to the wind Bria!:D


Sounds like we're on the same page! I've been waiting forever to get to where these two were even in the same room again. :)


is it me or can i actually start to hear casey growl under her breath like a tiger, about to stalk and pounce on her pray? What has bria unleashed...stay tuned on the next episode of dragonba...oh wait :D


yeah setting is important, it makes it more believable, just like the artist 'pandoras box' (i think) did a adult parody of 'rugrats ALL GROWN UP' and it escalated so quick from mother finding out the daughter was sexually active with her bf to a winCEST kiss between mother and daughter, all on the same page. You can't rush into sex scenes too fast :)


Awesome, cant wait for Casey/Bria scene.

Bob Fink

Oh yeah, these two definitely need to cut loose and let all inhibitions go!


Well Casey wouldn't have a problem but Bria might, in that unlike Casey she still has some inhibitions left lol. XD


Shes not going to have any after casey is done with her. This is what I'm hoping. Bria just got a one way ticket on the D train. lmao