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I like to think I'm developing a knack for hot lady orcs, as I certainly am getting practice this year. This one presented a rare opportunity as well, as in all my years of drawing I don't think I've ever tried lighting a face from below before. What can I say it never came up until now. But I like how it looks and it's nice to have another technique in the repertoire.




Yeah, the lighting looks good.


The lighting came out quite well. It really adds some realism to the picture. Not to mention the awesome bit of subtlety with her nipples!


Thanks for saying so! When I try out something new it's nice to hear when it works.


Damn dude this is fantastic. The lighting on her face looks great.


Awesome! I spent a lot of time here trying to get it to look just right. :D


Yeah the lighting... em that nipple poking out though is what really grabs my attention. She needs to take a break from all that hard work.


Well the client was pretty thrilled with how this turned out so maybe she'll be back for something more explicit in the future. :)