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Which lingerie should Mary put on? I'll be posting a link to the poll shortly!




Choice A: I always go with French cut bottoms. BTW, really enjoyed your anime talk. It looks like we've seen a lot of the same stuff. I couldn't suspend disbelief enough for Full Metal Panic, though. Which is a shame, I hear the gun pron was almost as good as the regular pron. I also have too many thought about Switch and Casey but I'm waiting for the next page update to subject you to them :)


I enjoy choice A bottom but choice B top. So I'm useless here lol


Well she's going to be in the middle of being screwed when we come in on her so keep in mind her breasts will be out and the bottom half of what she's wearing will be pushed aside. So this is really just a framework here. As for the choices I know what you mean. I spent like a half hour digging around at Victoria's Secret.com looking for outfits that were goth enough for Mary, and I had a really hard time choosing.


Hey glad you liked the video. And yeah FMP was pretty far fetched but i enjoyed it all the same at the time. Looking forward to your feedback on the next page of Switch.


I like choice B


Personally I couldn't make up my mind between the two. Thankfully you guys are here to choose for me. :D