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I thought Power Girl would make for a good chance to practice different facial structure, as with her hairstyle and proportions she naturally looks a lot like Casey. So I gave her a wider jaw and some cheekbones to differentiate her look. (And I gave her an expression that Casey would not be wearing under the same circumstances.) And that wasn't the only experiment here either, also messed with coloring the line art. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I like how it looks but I miss the contrast you only get with black. That's a nice thing about these weekly pin ups though, I get to try out new stuff.







I like the style of this picture quite a bit. I think you should offer this as an alternative style for commissions!


You like it? I'll admit the colored line art does make her dark lashes stand out more. I'll mess with some more here and there.


My favourite thing about power girl always has been her large...um...assets, this is awesome. Quick note on your thought as an artist, do you use outlines for the cum splatters much when drawing? looking at previous works you do sometimes and on other occasions you don't :)


You know, even though I get a lot of practice, come is one of the trickiest things to draw, so I'm often experimenting with different looks for it. In this case I thought an outline fit because this particular image had a comic book look going for it. But to be honest most of the time I just go with whatever seems to look right then and there, it's an evolving process for me.


Power girl is def one of my favorite heroines. Her amanda conner run was really good. She kicked ass , gave laughs and kicked ass. you have definitely have done her justice with this piece. it's awesome :D


Thanks! Maybe I'll draw her again sometime. I like her proportions. :D