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I'll admit there's a part of me that's a little apprehensive about posting this. Hear me out: I got SO MANY ideas submitted by you guys when I asked for suggestions, and the fact that I had to narrow it down to just six feels like setting up 99% of my supporters for disappointment that their character didn't get picked. Which isn't something I go for around here if I can help it. 

But I will say this: thanks to your suggestions this week, I have enough ideas for Monday pin ups to last all year. So if your character didn't show up here, she may be in her own NSFW post somewhere down the line.  :)

That said, here's a little about each character and why I picked them.

Beetlejuice: Loved the movie and especially the cartoon as a kid. I took an interest in animatics a few weeks back, and there are just dozens on Youtube based on songs from the Beetlejuice musical. After seeing so many different artist's takes on the ghost with the most, creating my own version sounded like fun. 

Dr. Mrs. The Monarch: I know I did say no traditional hotties that I would normally draw porn of for this set, but decided to make one exception. It occurred to me that if this is going to be shared on Twitter, there should be at least one character on here that represents what my real work is about.

So why did I pick her? Because I fucking love her lol. Venture Bros is one of the great adult cartoons if you ask me, and I've wanted to draw her for awhile. 

Leonardo: Drawing Ninja Turtles was my first step into drawing human anatomy. I probably drew more of these mutant turtles growing up than I've drawn naked tits as an adult, and it will likely be another year or two before the tits surpass the turtles. 

I went with Leo here because he was always my favorite. Who dual-wields full size katanas? Badasses, that's who. 

Edward: Look close, folks, this may be the only instance of an under-aged character you'll ever see me draw.  Cowboy Bebop reigns as my favorite anime of all time, and while I think the entire English dub is fantastic, Melissa Fahn as Ed was really something special. 

Duff Man: A dancing guy with a belt full of beer cans with hot chicks and party music wherever he goes? What's not to love? Duff Man is my favorite Simpsons character, with Mr. Burns as a close second.

Carmelita: The one character on this list I'm not personally familiar with. But going in to this I had a rule: there had to be at least one furry. This whole thing was about getting to draw things I normally wouldn't, after all. 

I picked her because I thought she had the sexiest design, though I do kind of want to take another shot at playing the Sly Cooper series now. I tried the first game a couple years ago and it kicked my ass hard. Maybe I'll come in on Sly 2, word is that one's a little easier lol.  

And that covers it! Thank you for your suggestions and giving this a look. It was a fun break to draw these SFW characters but don't worry, I'm not going soft anytime soon. More porn is on the way! XD




Licorice Lain

so you mean I could have suggested a hunnie and gotten her on the pinup schedule?!

alex baker

I really want to see more furry content from you. Tawana bandicot


Well it's not like the window is closed now, you can always make suggestions. :)


Dr. Mrs The Monarch looks so good. Glad you decided to draw her. Hopefully you’ll draw her again


I don't think furry porn is really my thing I'm afraid. But who knows? That may change as time goes by.

Jariah Synn

Good bunch. I really like Carmelita.


All very cool.


I forgive you if I see my picks in pim-ups. Lol love ya Rein


LOL I love how you still put in four sets of great boobs anyhow, despite not wanting it to be all Fanservice :). These look great, though! Love the little touches like the cheerleaders & dog, the backgrounds, and more. And I figured you'd have as much Turtle fanart as I once did :)

Bob Fink

Very well done, you chose some pretty awesome characters.

Lord Washington

Oh, you did a furry. Any chance you’d do any more? I love furries.


Edward rules! And yeah, Bebop is the greatest anime ever. It's one of the first my wife introduced me to when we first started dating, and nothing has ever topped it, since. It's also one of the very, very few I really like in dubbed form. I'm usually subtitles only. Oh, and Ed going feral when they try to interrupt her chess game is one of my favorite visuals of all time. Great job, man! Also love seeing Duff Man :D.


Amazing as always! well done

Squid Hills

For someone who doesn't draw furry stuff, your Carmelita looks plenty good. I'm not familiar with the character, but you certainly managed a good mix of human/animal/hawt chick. Also, Edward is cool and all, but the true best character in Bebop was Ein, the data dog. So I'm glad you worked him to the pic as well.


I've got whole artbooks full of non-stop ninja turtle sketches piled up in storage somewhere lol.


I don't know? It's not impossible, but that's pretty far from the type of content people signed up for around here.