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Get the first half here and and the second half here. 

Ever wish you could find my older pin ups, sketches, and commissions in one easy place without having to scroll and load for miles in the feed here? Me too! Especially since my early posts are having resolution issues on the site these days. 

Collected in these two zipped folders is pretty much every standalone piece of artwork I did during 2015-16, the first two years of my career. I say "pretty much" as there are a couple of omissions. The custom avatars I did have been excluded, as out of respect to the original clients I don't want to make it easy for anyone else to download and use their avatars. Other than that the only things left out are the occasional pic that I may have failed to save and file properly over the course of the many times I've had to wipe my hard drive through the years, and anything that was requested to be kept private by the client.

One thing included in there I wanted to draw some focus to was an unfinished Synthiria comic I started for Mystery Street back then. It was fun to work on, but we both got too busy with other stuff to see it completed. He was nice enough to give permission to share what we had for this collection though. 

Anyhow, these and the next ones I do will be under the "archives" featured tag on the level two tier from here on out for convenient access. Hope you guys have fun going through these, it was certainly a trip for me. 
