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EDIT: Tweaked Derek's dialog a bit in panel two. Originally he was complaining about how anime boys always get dozens of girls to fall for them for no reason. But it was brought to my attention that it may be easy for readers to think Derek is making an oblivious joke about himself. That didn't occur to me because as the writer I know that none of the girls he's been with so far actually have any feelings for him, but I can't expect readers to know that Holly and Kristina only fuck him because they're bored after school. It worked out for the best though, I like the new text here way better. 

Thanks for your patience with me this week with the holiday everyone, and special thanks to everyone who commented to wish me well in my post on the subject. The support was much appreciated. :)

Never thought I'd draw a page of a sex comic that would be 75% tree. But I guess that's one of many things I like about my job, it takes me to unexpected places. Truth be told this page would have likely run a little late even without Thanksgiving, as I severely underestimated how much work would need to go into this one. "The page is mostly tree branches," I thought ignorantly, "I'll knock this one out in an afternoon." I soon found out that trees, like anything else one might draw, can look like crap if you rush them. This took me all day today to finish.

Any guesses on where that branch is going to land? 




It's going to trip him, and then she's going to trip and fall on him


Elianna will probably warn him to get back (only the branch pull his pants down 😄)

alex baker

Hopefully the branch rips her dress off or alternatively Derrick pushes her out of the way sowing seeds of romance


Oh man, that would be the perfect thing to happen while they were arguing about anime tropes! XD


I wanna say i love your draws, however i feel that the tree is a bit weird, may be you should try to emulate real trees from nature to be more realistic... (biologist here just trying to make a constructive criticism with a poor english), there are a lot of types of trees, which have an unique form; instead of just drawing "a tree", look for what tree you want to draw and them try to copy it.. I dont know if i have explained my self right but this is the best i can... PS: I love your work, keep it up!


For sure! I don't have a lot of practice with outdoor environments, I'll have to keep working at it as I go along.

Bob Fink

Looks like Derek's bad luck has returned, and karma is about to hit him over the head literally. XD


His description of manga can also double as a description of Spider-Man comics


I've heard as much, but at least Spiderman has superpowers. Harem protagonists are usually only gifted with the power of basic human decency towards women, which is somehow more than enough to get the panties dropping! XD


It's going to smack him in the head, when he wakes up she'll be stood over him and he'll see "an angel" ;-)

Senoj Nai

On some tiddies?


The branch would bounce off the titties and harmlessly away, and it would be epic. XD


No a bigger annime tropes! He protectq her from the branch falling on her, 100% annime acurate

That black guy

Derek is gonna swan dive her out of the way


Certainly the first time your strip has so prominently featured wood.

Lord Washington

At least she’s trying to persuade him, not shove it down his throat.


Yeah, its official. I thought about it in the last page, but I have decided they are my otp


The branch hits her in the head and she wakes up going gradually sex crazy, eventually climaxing in her ravenously taking several girls in the shower and only being sated when Casey and Bria bring their considerable talents to bear on her. As she drifts towards sleep she wonders why she wants Dereks dick in her mouth. Last page of the comic should be Derek waking up in bed from the rising sun and as he monologues the camera and light gradually pan down to reveal Elanna asleep with his cock and balls firmly ensconced in her mouth. Epilogue should be Dr. Nurse logging an entry about the relationship and noting that she is beginning to have the town hunger and wonders how long before she can no longer maintain her objectivity., and if she’ll start seeing one of the humanoid hallucinations some students have mentioned.

Chris Davis

Hmm, I agree with MAR in part...It should hit Elianna and she should have a reversal in her "Anti-Sex" Thinking...only to "Snap Out Of It" when the actual sex starts....

frank barry

Looks like we are about to test the girls' theory....(cliffhanger)


The tree was worth the wait!!!!


Well, according to Evil Dead, trees might be viable in hentai.... Also, I think his luck will hold out, and it lands in front of him. What will he do when he recognizes her as his good luck charm??


The more I learn about him the more I hate Derek. I get his criticisms but I'd like to see him write a better plot between getting his ass handed to him by raccoons and miraculously getting threesomes despite the fact the school is riddled with better men. You ain't all that, cursed boy.


Shit I didnt even add 2 and 2 on that one. Hah! XD