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Well it's major holiday time in America gang, and while I tried to finish this week's TRW early, I apparently didn't manage my time as well as I could have. Going to see my family is a substantial road trip from where I'm staying now, so there's no way I'll be working on the comic tomorrow. 

Long story short I've decided to take tomorrow off, and TRW is running a day behind schedule this week. I hope you guys understand and have a great Thanksgiving yourselves if you're celebrating. 



Enjoy your time off, man 😃


Have fun, enjoy your free time, till the next time :)


I never knew you had a schedule. It's good to make deadlines, but it's better to have a life too. Enjoy ye holiday!


Hey, don't sweat it my dude. Just enjoy your time with family. :)


It's normal to take time for yourself. Enjoy it as much as you can, you deserve it ! :)


Of course mate, enjoy your time off :)


Happy Bird Day! Have a great day off! Safe Travels! :-)


Happy Thanks Giving!!


Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Chris Davis

I just finished the latest build of the TRW game and it's FANTASTIC!!!! I can't wait to play the next release, whenever that might be! I know it's been hard making it, but the results speak for themselves! I just hope we do get to "Give Raina her Dream", even if we talk her out of it after the first time. Maybe she gets remorse after the deed is done. But That Must Happen!!!! Okay, my pervy-ness aside, you added so much more content! Thank you!!!!

Bob Fink

Enjoy the holiday with your family, TRW can wait till you're back you deserve to have family time as well. Happy Thanksgiving!

Squid Hills

You're forgiven. Now go eat too much food.

frank barry

Have a good holiday, enjoy it!

Lord Washington

Sorry I missed this one man. Hope you had a good thanksgiving.