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Jasmine here lost to Power Girl in a "which of these old pics should I redo?" poll a few weeks back. Buuuut it was so close that I decided to put a pin in her and come back to her at a later date, so here we are.  I have to say, compared to the other remakes I've done, this one was hard. I think it's because the other ones I remade had obvious anatomical flaws, lighting issues, or just plain lack of detail that I was eager to correct. But that 2015 Jasmine pic still seems kind of...fine? To me? I don't know, I usually think my old stuff looks like garbage, so I guess it was refreshing in a way to find a piece of work I actually think has held up well, but it sure didn't make remaking it any easier. Fun fact: think she looks a bit like Lydia from my comics? No accident there, Jasmine inspired Lydia's appearance when I came up with her.

I heard recently that Disney is releasing a compilation of old video games for modern consoles, specifically containing the ones based off The Lion King and Aladdin from the 16-bit era. As an odd choice, the version of Aladdin featured isn't the chill platformer that was made for the Super Nintendo, a game that most kids could beat in an hour. No, they opted for the tough-as-balls Genesis version that could make grown men weep hot tears of rage with its magic carpet level alone. 

To be fair, I understand they have included easy modes and rewind features to help younger players with the games included.  And I do think that kids could enjoy Aladdin with a little boost to curb the challenge. But no amount of hand holding could make that Lion King game anything less than punishment from god. To this day, I get traumatic flashbacks of wasting an entire Friday night of my youth, roaring at purple monkeys in vain to a chiptune version of "Can't Wait to be King." A chilling account that need not be inflicted on a new generation if you ask me. 



alex baker

it's a good remake i like the addition of the carpet

Bob Fink

I didn't think you could improve on her either but you did an amazing job! And yes I do see Lydia in her. :D


Lydia inspired by Jasmine? NEAT! I do notice a similarity in their noses, though Jasmine was very "typical Disney Princess, but with a straight nose" that pointed right down, while Lydia's was more curved. The warm skin tones look great, here! Remembering your one Reintalk about coloring, I'm seeing the "cold purple/blue" being used to offset the warm red & brown hues, and it looks really cool.

Squid Hills

I think you improved on the nose in this version.


That game was hard, actually, i never beat it. About the remake, this is one of my favorites, since Jasmin was one of my childhood crushes... and thar red dress is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay hot. Thanks!!


More slave collars pls


Hey thanks! For all the effort that went onto this, I'm glad it came out well.


Thanks! I still like the warm colors of the original, but I think the blue works well here.