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This sketch for KainRezo072 stars Korra rocking her season four hairstyle (and little else, LOLZ.) The Legend of Korra has often been a pretty divisive show among fans. I've gone on about my own opinions plenty in older posts and commissions I've done featuring her and Asami, which  you can find above.  If you're new here I'll summarize: The show nearly lost me in season two, but won me back from season three onward and I liked the whole package overall. I was sorry to see the production clearly get their funding pulled and barely make it to the finale before cancellation. (But at least they made it.) 

What do you think? Have you seen the show? I'd be happy to hear your thoughts in the comments. :)




to be honest, i love LoK. As you, season 2 was a trainwreck that i hated even though it has some things well made, such as the mini-arc of Wan and the overall idea of unite both worlds (earth+spirit). Season 3 and 4 are my favorites and i loved how Korra and Asami got together. I alway found forced thar drama between KorraxMakoXAsami, so i liked how they became friends and then couple, and... i also liked how Mako got to recognize he was a dick and got a bit of redemption by the end. Without a doubt, one of my favorite shows. (Plus, the porn is always great and i love muscular women with short hair)


I thought season 1 was slow but enjoyable and season 2 was ass and felt weirdly out of place despite introducing some fun characters that ended up having some pretty decent story arcs by the end of the show. Seasons 3 and 4 were the best ones. Korra had grown, her friends got a lot of cool moments, her enemies were more fun to watch, and it was pretty obvious Korrasami was gonna end up being a thing. I have mixed feelings about them deciding to nerf Korra's abilities. I don't think they should've completely cut her off from the avatar state or her past lives but I also know there'd be a bunch of smooth-brains complaining about making her more powerful than Aang... which still would've made sense anyway. I wish they would've done more with Asami though. She had some really good moments but it seemed like they never really used her to her full potential. Given that she was already a capable fighter, had access to a lot of decent weaponry in season 1, and was clearly capable of making more I would've expected her to have a few more weapons and gadgets than a shock glove.


Although I’m not a fan of the character I must admit you make her look good 👌

Bob Fink

These are very hot renders the women are smokin hot!

A Guy

Yeah, Season 2 was a mess. I absolutely love the show, and the Asian dieselpunk look was really cool. But the behind-the-scenes production was just nuts, since it seemed like Nickelodeon had no idea of what to do with the show. Kind of wonder what the show would look like if it were produced today, in a post-Steven-Universe world where cartoons are just gay as all hell (which is great). Like, there are some post-S4 graphic novels that focus on Korra & Asami coming out to their friends (and also having various adventures). They're ... okay. Still, the last episode kind of floored me, 'cause I'd been saying "Man, Mako's a chump, those two should just dump his ass and hook up" AND THEN THEY DID. Fanon to canon, man.

alex baker

I love this hair style for just like katara fire nation hairstyle


Basically, what you said. Season 2 was the weakest (but even then it had some okay moments) but I think that they really regained their feet for Seasons 3 and 4. Plus, considering how Season 1 was clearly meant to be standalone, it kind of explains for me why Season 2 felt so "Fuck what do we do NOW?! Uh-"


Absolutely love this. I really enjoy how you draw/color girls with darker complections.


I like the series overall, though I did think a lot of it wasn’t well thought out. Like tenzins wife raping him to break up him and Lin.


That does seem like an idea they could have expanded on: non-benders using technology to level the magical playing field.


Thanks! I feel like this is one of the better faces I've pulled off in awhile.


I guess that's a perk of the connected world. Showrunners can listen to fan feedback and make tweaks if need be. I do feel like Korrasami was the result of fan demand, and that's why it felt a little shoehorned in, but I'm still ok with it. XD


It did seem like they were coming up with things on the fly didn't it? XD


It’s literally what happened, unless they changed it. She made sure Lin would have to work late, got him blind drunk, then disguised herself as Lin so he’d have sex with her. It’s how Jinora came to be, and caused he and Lin to break up.


Wow I didn't remember that lol. It may be time for me to rewatch that season. :D


Okay no that's not what happened at all. It's a fun fanfiction but Beifong and Tenzin already were fracturing in their relationship when Pema confessed her feelings to Tenzin, and THAT was the impetus to break the two up. There wasn't a bed trick or anything of the sort


Okay I'll bite: what's the first worst thing? XD


I really loved the series. I liked the character and world development. I am a big KorraxAssami pairing. I really liked how Korra looked like an actual fighter with a actual muscle definition, I am always a fan of hard muscle ladies (so if you want to draw more of her with some serious muscle tone I would not say no).