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Here's the current plans for October: RogueLove will be getting some more enemies, those overdue Boss fight tweaks, and some more animations (groping, penetration, etc.)
For MGG I'll be doing some more economy balances, bug fixes, and hopefully getting around to adding a totally new species. I also want to include a new garden element I've had planned for a while (no teasers for this one, yet).
And lastly, hopefully I can get around to 3 updates this month, and add at least one new photograph to 69 Days After, finish the True Ending storyline, and fix up some old writing/fill in missing dialogue.

RogueLove v0.20 (October 15th)   <-Now Available!!
[X] New Enemies; Faun (Male)
[X] New Animations; Pre-penetrated, Pre-penetrated sex loop, Penetrated, Vaginal sex loop, Finishing inside (with variations for each character and goblin type)
[X] New Animation system; HUD animations now queue up, and are played in order to avoid animations playing overtop of one another
[X] Boss Tweaks (finally)
[X] All Boss damage is now rolled instead of flat damage
[X] New Boss health bar graphics
[X] Goblin General Cumbo: is now weak to fire, own bombs will damage him as originally intended, takes 2x damage from his own bombs, no longer stun locks when taking damage, no longer guards damage when preparing attacks, damage is rolled now instead of flat numbers, added a simple telegraphed punch attack for some variance, reduced the delay after he is defeated before xp is rewarded and body is removed
[X] Sturdy Snake: now attacks with lightning damage, can move in all 8 cardinal directions instead of 4 directions, can bounce off walls in more directions (leading to less directly back and forth movement), begins dropping bombs at low hp, fixed collision on body (can no longer get swept away with him), tosses you off to one side to avoid getting you stuck in a loop where he hits you and sends you flying then hits you again etc, greatly reduced knockback velocity, head has much tighter collision and only looks for a smaller section of the player actor (which fixes the false positives in the collision checking), is now Weak to Ice and Lightning, and is Strong against Fire
[X] Megabat; deals damage when slamming into the ground after air attacks, and prints message indicating hit
[X] Dark Lord's Mistress; fixed sword swing collision with new AoE attack coding
[X] Dark Lord; fixed sword swing collision with new AoE attack coding, fixed animation timing
[X] Changed how most AoE attacks hit the player; instead of doing an overlap check (using a square drawn around the player), it now checks if the center point of the player (which, visually speaking, ends up being roughly around the character's chest) is on top of the attack zone when the attack is launched, if it is this registers a hit
[X] Able to r* Angel boss; this scene is merely an option followed by a text description for the time being, but will be fully animated
[X] Changed how grapple/sex works with Goblin types. Instead of sex beginning immedietly if your armor is gone, there will always be one roll's worth of time (your first chance to escape, essentially) before they penetrate you. This means you will not lose purity (or virginity, once implemented) if you can escape before this
[X] Fixed animations playing at different times from descriptions
[X] Fixed a glitch where after a Goblin came inside you, it would consider you to be penetrated already the next time sex started (instead of waiting one 'turn')
[X] Different amounts of Ero damage are now dealt during different phases of sex, instead of always dealing 5 each 'turn'
[X] Fixed Drowblins printing the wrong name during sex
[X] Fixed Drowblin Grapple DC (was 10, now 15)
[X] Fixed the Aqueducts not loading, but instead reloading the same level again

MGG v1.35b (October 31st)
[X] New Items; Construction Zone, Wooden Door, Wooden Window
[X] Pens have been added, monsters will be assigned to their enclosed space and only seek food and sex within their own space (no more Monster exodus when you open a fence gate)
[X] Biomes have been added, pen sorter will determine biome type based on tiles and presence of water and/or trees. There are 20 biome types to start
[X] Create interior spaces by placing 'building pieces'
[X] Every 10 seconds, if the number of fences has changed, Pens will recalculate
[X] Player mode interaction circle rotates towards camera facing direction
[X] Added a screen which displays Pens, and assigns them a biome based on Tile type make-up. Clicking on a Pen in this menu will take you to a random Tile in that Pen
[X] When using a tool in Player mode, character rotates towards interaction circle
[X] Pay Debt event occurs weekly, instead of every 3 days
[   ] More Economy balances
[X] Improved the look of snow in winter, instead of being a texture on one type of tile, a world aligned texture is applied to every type of tile (except brimstone, the snow types, and cobblestone)
[X] Improved the look of leaves in autumn using a similar system
[X] Fixed some camera collision oddities in the Player Character, camera collision has been re-enabled, but disabled for certain objects (like trees and fences, for example)
[X] Fixed a glitch at the start of the game where the Camera would not return to player after talking to the Lord's Assistant for the first time

69 Days After v0.21 (Early November)
[   ] New Photo
[   ] True Ending Complete
[   ] Writing touch-ups


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