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I've made a new patch for MGG, and it has been pushed to all Patron builds, as well as all Public builds, since it addresses some pretty integral issues.

I've finally figured out what the heck was going on with the Flowers, and they are finally fixed for real. It also seems I managed to break the tool animations, so I fixed them up, and I cleaned up a bunch of the leftover issues surrounding the Weed Whacker and Watering Can tools.

Sorry about those issues folks, the flowers have honestly been such a pain I was considering removing them entirely for a brief period, which would have entailed a fairly substantial redesign of several other gameplay elements. So I'm glad I was able to avoid that. The downloads can be found in the normal place, but links are below. (Links only work for patrons)

Silver: https://www.patreon.com/posts/silver-build-33395646


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