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I've been considering switching over to subscription billing on Patreon for a while now, but I wanted to get some opinions first. Under the current model you are charged on the 1st of every month, regardless of when you signed up. This means if you sign up in the middle of the month, you don't really get a full month out of the subsciption.

Switching to subscription billing would see payments coming out on the same day every month, so if you signed up on the 5th, you get charged on the 5th next time, not the 1st.

What does everyone think about this new model?

To clarify, for existing patrons nothing will change. This would only affect you if you cancel your sub and then sign up again at a future date (which happens all the time, and is totally understandable.)



Interesting. So it wouldn't solve any sort of fee stacking anymore anyway, that's a very good perspective to have. I'll also be talking to other creators to see what their opinions on the matter are. A very brief overview would indicate to me that I probably will not be changing the billing structure.


The only considerable benefit is to people who subscribe at the end of the month before the billing cycle. Instead of just waiting a week or a couple days.


True, I've definitely considered that. I always really appreciate it when someone subs near the end of the month instead of just waiting, which is totally an option.