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The new version of RogueLove is available for patrons. This version contains a massive update; the Purity and Depravity system. The player will gain or lose purity based on things that happen to them during a run, and once certain thresholds are crossed Hallowed or Desecrated Rooms will have a chance to spawn. This chance will be higher the more Purity or Depravity you have.

There's a bunch of animation fixes, and some facial animation added to the HUD. The player will blink, and their face will change as they become more Pure or Depraved, as well as when they become Horny. Beyond this there's some new items in the Angel Rooms, and a lot of map generation tweaks and fixes, as well as a new system which will allow me to generate more dynamic floor plans in a future update.

Check out the full changelog below.

Changelog: https://noxdev.itch.io/roguelove/devlog/545605/018
Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42983052


Hellfire Gaming

I do like this game but i wish i could have a cheat that has a infinite lust fuction


Hmm that's an interesting idea, I could probably add that as a cheat to the next version.