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These are the plans so far for the upcoming month. These may shift around a bit and I might add certain things, but this should all at least be done before the end of March.

69 Days After v0.11 (March 7th)<--Now Available!!
[X] New Polaroid for Juniper x Amber
[X] New Polaroid for Raven x Amber
[X] New Polaroid for Juniper (captured)
[X] All combinations of characters now have a Polaroid
[X] Characters can be captured instead of dying instantly
[X] Captured characters can be saved by sending someone to the Expedition location they were captured at
[X] Captured characters will have a polaroid associated with their capture, sent to the other characters as a threat
[X] Fixed some Expedition bugs
[X] Fixed a glitch where Fish would not clear the next tick after being assigned to eat one
[X] Fixed some errors rewarding the wrong Polaroids. Amber rescued and Snow break-in R now reward the correct ones

MGG v1.16.1b (patch) (March 12th)   <--Now Available!!
[X] New Species
[X] Animation fixes
[X] Fixed Male PC animation mismatches
[X] Fixed some Harpy animation mismatches
[X] Tournaments can only be entered once per day
[X] General Store Sales now working
[X] Added missing Items to the Item Encyclopaedia
[X] New commands can be changed in keybind menu
[X] Keybind changes appear on HUD
[X] Maple Seeds now count as Fuel
[X] Decayed Matter now counts as Fuel. Slightly better than Log Bundles
[X] Decayed Matter can now be consumed as initally intended. (Do NOT let monsters do this)
[X] High-Lust Potion now works properly
[X] All High Potions can be consumed
[X] Fixed a glitch where Tournaments would become unavailable after visiting on a day when no Tournament was being held
[X] Fixed a glitch causing the Dragon Egg to still load after hatching

RogueLove v0.10 Android (March 19th)   <--Now Available!!
[X] Compiles and runs on Android

RogueLove v0.10.5 (March 23rd)   <--Now Available!!
[X] Mobile version complete
[X] All gear roll graphics

MGG v1.17 (March 31st)   <--Now Available!!
[X] 2 New Golem Variants
[X] New Tournament rewards, Gem Tournaments yield a Gem
[X] New Items; Perfect Amethyst, Aquamarine, Emerald, Garnet, Diamond, Moonstone, Opal, Peridot, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz. Turquoise, Eternal Ice, Gem Mote
[X] Perfect Rubies can be smelted to produce 2 Ruby Bars
[X] Perfect Diamonds can be smelted to produce 2 Diamond Bars (only after scientist quest)
[X] Pouring Elf Fluid over a Gem Mote will produce a random Gem
[X] Alchemy benches display Potion names and Ingredients
[X] Sand, Silver Bars, Perfect Rubies, and Perfect Diamonds placed in the Steel Furnace will yield an extra smelted version
[X] Fixed Harpy display error
[X] Fixed Moth birth error
[X] Fixed an error where dropping multiple Silver bars into the Furnaces at once would only register as 1 item


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