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Silver patrons get your download over here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42983052

The new version of RogueLove is complete and available for all Silver+ patrons. It will be available in about a week on Itch.io. 

This version completely revamps the level generation, adding two new sizes of rooms, and accommodates everything to fit them. Larger rooms count as more than one room when generating levels, so they don't make the floors ridiculously large.
Also, all adjacent rooms are now connected, instead of a few winding paths which had to be followed exactly to get anywhere, the dungeon floors are much more easily explorable.
I've also fixed a number of issues where objects were spawning on top of each other.

As far as content goes, this version may not seem like much, but the new level generation is a huge step in the right direction, you'll agree when you get to exploring the new Dark Lord's Keep.


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