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Current Password: 3dY8Zs7aKz1GQAto
Last Update: January 13th (v0.22)
Guide: Comprehensive walkthrough of all Expeditions, Endings, and Items is now included with the download

This version adds a new photo, Scarlet x Snow x Raven this time. Another big update this version, every character now has a Profile screen, which displays a backstory and some stats about the character. This screen will also keep track of everything a character has sex with. Also, when multiple photos are obtained at once, they will display in order instead of stacking on top of one another. There's a couple bug fixes in this version as well, check out the changelog below for a full list of changes.

Changelog: https://noxdev.itch.io/69days/devlog/664678/022



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err whats the password for this one?


Umm what is the password and for soem reason it keep saying that the archive file is damage


Password in the description isn't working for me


Hmm, should be fine, I reuploaded the file though in case something went wrong the first time. Try again now