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Hey everyone, I just wanted to make a quick post here explaining a little more about the Monster Academy you'll be able to play in the upcoming version. This is by far the biggest quest patch I've ever added at one time, adding a total of 9 quests (some with multiple parts) to the game.

In the Monster Academy you will find 3 trainers, each will give you quests to teach you different aspects of the game:
1. The Gardening trainer will teach you about planting flowers, trees, and their affect on Monster Happiness and Hunger.
2. The Blacksmithing trainer will teach you about mining ores, smelting bars, and upgrading tools.
3. The Command trainer will teach you about different monster commands, how to use them, and what they do. (This is the new character, previewed here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-look-new-40033556)


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