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Hey everyone! I've been stomping bugs out of this game for a couple days now, I figured it would probably help to make a post to keep everyone updated on the status, like I used to with the progress reports for each version (which I really should start doing again!)

If you know of a bug you don't see here, even if you've told me about it before, PLEASE let me know through messaging, discord, or even replying right here. I have a comprehensive list but it's always possible I missed adding your report to it.


[X]  Autosave is now complete and fully implemented. For new games you will be asked to turn this option on or off. When loading a game autosave will be off by default, there is now a checkbox beside the Save Garden button which will turn Autosave on or off
[X]  Added many screen resolution options to settings menu, using Steam survey data I've added a couple of the most popular monitor resolutions
[X]  Added auto-resolution detection if no settings are applied, or if the games current resolution is too big compared to your desktop res. If the game has no resolution fitting your desktop res, 1280x720 will be selected. This can be changed afterwards, of course
[X]  Added a button for collapsing/expanding the Journal (J)
[X]  Added a new emote "No Path." This pops up when a monster tries to perform an action, but fails to reach it's target
[X]  Using/Combining Items now contains a volume to check for collisions, instead of a direct linetrace hit. This means it should be much easier to Use items on Monsters, or to combine items
[X]  Fixed a bunch of instances where the Player would be frozen during/after the Pay Debt event, based on certain circumstances, a few instances probably still exist however
[X]  Removed Oculus VR prompt, if VR is implemented in the future this is easy to add back
[X]  View mode now shows UI prompt reminding you that you are in View mode, and how to exit. Also, swapping to player mode will now pull you out of View mode, if you are in it
[X]  Entering View mode while the Tool or Item panel was open freezes the player
[X]  A simple AI navigation error began occuring after updating to the newest UE4 version, the Lord's Assistant gets stuck near the train station as she guides you to the garden
[X]  Crafting was not removing items if you had exactly the right amount of one material
[X]  Upgrading tools was slightly broken, this system is completely fixed now
[X]  Harem Interior needs fixing, also Monster prices should be displayed before sale/purchase
[X]  Improved the Hoes accuracy, prioritizing weed tufts before trying to accomplish any other actions. The old behavior would occasionally get stuck when looking for actions, and perform no action where one was actually available
[X]  Fixed an error which stopped coins from simulating physics before they landed
[X]  Fixed an error in several quests requiring certain Monsters to be domesticated, which would credit the Player for visiting monsters instead of only residents
[X]  Pay Debt event still fired in failed gardens
[X]  Changed the rate of new grass tufts appearing on certain tile types
[X]  "Quit to Desktop" button now confirms the choice before closing

In progress/Fixing:
[   ]  Pay Debt event will still freeze if the Player is in the Arena when it begins
[   ]  Monsters attempt to wander/fight through fences/gates/pens
[   ]  Monsters are far too hard to select if they are too close to the outer bounds of your Garden
[   ]  Add menu for displaying all Resident monsters (Monster Manager), as well as more detailed information on individual monsters, such as their fighting and sex records
[   ]  Player climax still broken



I sent you a message with everything, this comment section kept publishing when i pressed enter... trying to go to the next line lol. so I just deleted it sorry if that was confusing


All good, I figured you deleted it since you sent me it in a message