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Hey everyone, just a quick post about the progress towards version 0.18.

It's taking a little longer than anticipated, mostly because I lost a few days of work when I crashed my car earlier this week xD  
Don't worry, I was unharmed.

Anyway I'll be finishing up all the Slime animations over the next few days, hopefully I can get a few of the Slime x Neko animations in there to make up for yet another late release :(
The electric items will also be in this version, no problems there.

Anyway I'm going to say a week at the most, expect the new version around Nov 7th. And as always thanks for your love and support, and for your patience as well.



Did that furnace glitch ever get noticed? That one hurt.


Oh I might have mistakenly chalked that up to an older version, which might not have been the case. What was the problem again? They weren't loading when you restarted the game?