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Uploading another public, between-version hotfix. Some issues from the last update caused a couple errors from before to come back, as well as a new error which made food almost impossible for monsters to find, tl;dr below:

(Monster could not find food): Essentially monsters used to search for food using a volume which overlapped the entire garden, found food within your garden, gave that list to the monster, and they would pick one at random. Now that the garden bounds is dynamic this had to be changed to look for any food on the whole map, however I had not yet set up a function and variable for whether or not food was actually inside the garden. Therefore; monsters would get a list of all the items on the map, even those inaccessible, and picked a random one from that, when they were unsuccessful they would give up.

(The fix): Items now detect whether they are inside your garden or not, so when monsters build their list of food to look for, if this is not true it resets the loop. This time however the behavior is immediately fed back into the beginning of the finding food loop, and the item which was inaccessible is removed from the list, to prevent an infinite call stack.

(Short version): Monsters found it too hard to find food, behavior seems to be corrected.

(Could not clear grass barely coming onto garden): When grass sticks into the garden a little bit it would not be possible to clear. This came about as a complication resulting from the tile detection fix. 

(The fix): This has been corrected to my knowledge, grass uses the old system to clear again now, seems to work.

I'm going to upload the hotfix to itch, since these are fairly game breaking errors I don't want new players to be put off by them.


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