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We've been planning on making our own stickers so we wanted to let you guys in on it first 💖

And I'll be honest, lately I've been having a hard time working with needing to find a new place to live as well as people not respecting our 1 month rule, so I wanted to apologize to you all for the slowness.

In the meantime, Spicy has been setting up all of stuff for sticker making and drawing up a bunch of stuff I need to hop on.

We're releasing a few new pieces VERY SOON, as well as you all getting early access to our test print stickers tomorrow!

I just wanted to say we love and appreciate you all, that's it~



Good luck on your move!! And no worries about the slowness, it’s better to draw when there’s that spark anyway it makes for the best content


Someones not respecting the one month rule? they must be found and purged.




I honestly doubt not respecting the one month rule would affect you much. There still is many loyal subscribers and will always be. I understand it's an issue, but not that threatening for you. Btw I'd love to see some sex pic.


Is a shame that there’s still people in this world who don’t follow your rules . But don’t worry I’m with you guys. And hope you find a place for you to be at peace . In the mean time I’ll support you by buying your merchandise 😊😊😊


While I am rather annoyed at folks not minding the one month rule, I am super excited for stickers and upcoming arts! Hoping you find a new place soon! We love y'all, and do not worry about pace - as states preciously, better to draw when that spark is there. We are patient, and we got your back! ❤👍


Blushy has mentioned before that it's more that early sharing is a motivational drain. It's not just a monetary concern, they just don't want to draw when people can't even follow that one very generous condition.


If people still refuse to listen to the 1 month rule then make NSFW a higher tier, it probably wont stop people from breaking the rule but itll happen a lot less often