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As you all know, we're releasing the comic in parts because Blushy's been having a hard time balancing home stuff and work.

We're working on finishing the last two parts right now.

Would you prefer us release them as they come out, or wait to compile them all into one whole vertical comic page when we finish the last one?



I'd rather view it all in one sitting, however seeing it as she finishes them is also really nice as we see a lot of activity


I like seeing them as they're finished but whatever causes the least stress gets my vote


I say "post as you finish" each panel like you have been doing, but also take your time and make sure you're able to put love into each panel. Don't burn yourselves out.


It's always worth the wait, but whatever works best for you guys seems like the best plan :D


You can't rush art! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QelicYgC5_I