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Hey guys, I've been having some issues with patreon. I'm not sure why but they claim I violated community guidelines.

These are the rewards for the past two cycles. The 3d took forever to do and it was such a disaster. First I wanted to just project it onto geometry, then I decided to make fully textured models and it wasnt even worth it. It looks like crap and I'm probably going to have to re do it again.

The pick up scene needs more background characters, but i just used what i had at the moment and it looks ok I think, Much better than the painted characters I kept doing. I'll probably have to revisit all the shots and repopulate the audience with these characters.

The thigh animation was part of another animatic that I wanted to do since the only nsfw scene in the pilot is almost complete, so I figured I'd start another. There's 2 that I've had in mind, but I'm working on a 3rd. I might post the final version of the energy ball thing in a few days but the patreon stuff will be a headache so no promises. I'm really not sure why they closed the campaign, I've been going through it and I haven't seen any content that violates their terms.

I'll keep you updated, hope you guys see this post.

EDIT: I think they might have been from the previous campaign.

Process .gifs: https://yadi.sk/d/7_vqGjgsgk3zOg

NSFW Pickup: https://yadi.sk/i/-qTSu5fj6kCmHA

Thigh NSFW: https://yadi.sk/i/_aY3VrK2QHqMZw

Old King: https://yadi.sk/i/sUCwrrUtPhvWtw

Aerial View of the Point (3d) : https://yadi.sk/i/qbaOpFSxjNTP5g

2 animatics :https://i.imgur.com/izeiDOD.gif

and https://i.imgur.com/gQWjHPH.gif


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