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Here is another scene from the intro sequence showing the last king.

The other scene is of Sol trying to get his chalk back :)

While I planned on releasing 4 scenes today, I decided to post what I have for now and add the other two in a couple days. The other two scenes are an aerial view of "The Point" and the other is G carrying the Unknown Succubus away. I have to finish coloring one and touch up the (3d) projection on the other. I'm also close to finishing the energy ball scene, but that I have planned for next month.

The thigh scene was a fun experiment to see how well I can render stockings. TVpaint has a built in feature for texture tracking so I don't have to do any key framing.

The Last King: https://yadi.sk/i/psNebhrAurruBQ

Thighs: https://yadi.sk/i/0FoTcDDcgi56lA

G carrying US: https://yadi.sk/i/M44cPohx4ZVc9w

Aerial: https://yadi.sk/i/tGceIyPWXs5fiw



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