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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Patreon Version



For more fun with Val Kilmer, check out The Saint.


If you're interested in another kind of bonkers crime film, I highly recommend The Boondock Saints!


The “Wonder Girl” inscription on the baseball bat that Michelle Monaghan was holding is a reference to the 1984 Robert Redford movie “The Natural” about a baseball player who names his favorite baseball bat “Wonderboy” (also referenced in The Simpsons episode “Homer at the Bat” where Homer carved the name “Wonderbat” on his baseball bat).


I love how much they make fun of the whole "So, what do you do for a living?" question. People just wondering if they can use you or not. I always thought it was weird that "What do you do?" is usually the 2nd question so many people ask someone when trying to get to know them. I've always taken it as "Based on your answer to this question, I'm immediately going to judge your socio-economic background and potential power in this world, and will treat you accordingly."

REDR58 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-12 03:13:33 Anyone else notice that the song playing over the end titles “Broken” was written and performed by Robert Downey Jr.?
2024-01-12 03:12:59 Anyone else notice that the song playing over the end titles “Broken” was written and performed by Robert Downey Jr.? And as far as Val Kilmer‘s character goes, there’s no way in the world this is the first movie to have a main character who is gay. Top of my head I can think of Tom Hanks who is the co-lead in “Philadelphia” (1993) who is gay (and you should totally watch that movie).I know there’s ones before that as well.

Anyone else notice that the song playing over the end titles “Broken” was written and performed by Robert Downey Jr.? And as far as Val Kilmer‘s character goes, there’s no way in the world this is the first movie to have a main character who is gay. Top of my head I can think of Tom Hanks who is the co-lead in “Philadelphia” (1993) who is gay (and you should totally watch that movie).I know there’s ones before that as well.


So glad you guys did this! In my top 5 all time. (In fact I think Dead Poets is the only top 5 of mine you haven't done yet!) Downey had a terrific run post-recovery and pre-Iron Man (not that iron Man and beyond is not good) and I wish it was celebrated more than just in film circles. It'll never get chosen because view count would be low which is totally understandable, but "Wonder Boys" is a truly wonderful lost gem from this era. Its the kind of drama that doesnt get made anymore and I think you both would love. Seek it out privately if not for the channel at least.

G Lam

and The Birdcage, and Jeffrey (Starring Patrick Stewart by the way, he's great as a gay character). And arguably :Prescilla Queen of the Desert:, and :To Wong Fu, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar"

megamoo chilli

You should watch Top Secret if you haven't already. Young Val Kilmer - singing, yes singing. Absurdist comedy.

Odd Thomas

Another great Val Kilmer movie is The Ghost and the Darkness with Michael Douglas and Kilmer hunting man-eating lions.


Going to keep suggesting Earth Girls Are Easy and The Imposters (1998) 😅

Jesse Ewiak

Nobody else mentioned it yet, so the story is, even though this film was a bit of a commercial failure, Favreau saw RDJ's performance in this, and it proved RDJ could do the funny, quippy thing.