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The Lego Movie - Patreon Version


Philipp Roensch

It will probably come to no surprise to you once you look it up: the writers also worked on Spiderverse 1+2. Let's get LEGO Batman and LEGO Movie 2 in polls please :D I think they work as comedy and musical respectifly, but only the second comes close to the emotional depth. Of course the movie is heavy on product placement, but is also great in many other angles, the creativity positivity, wonderful animation, nostalgia, great comedic pacing and the father-son payoff to catch all the emotions. Amazing movie. Personal: I had quite a few LEGOs as a kid, still have it in a drawer somewhere, it was mostly non-third-party-brand so just Rock Miners, 80s Space stuff, a bit of medieval and generic city stuff. Maybe two Technic things, actually loved the detailed trike with engine, and A-Wing, but my siblings and I also love mashing everything together, building our own stories. Nowadays, I have a few nerdy pieces, just had to get the big Rivendell one, and the Walker from Horizon Zero Dawn. The flowers are cool in any household, got no green thumb :D


I don't understand why the dad didn't get the kid his own Lego sets? That way the kid can enjoy playing with them (or they could play together) meanwhile the dad gets to keep his stuff the way he wants it. I'm probably in the minority here but I sympathize with the dad. He probably spent years building that and he wants to preserve it, there's nothing wrong with that.

Dr Ozzy

Finally watching this movie... Was taking my gf at the time to see this movie in theaters on Valentine’s Day and got pulled over and found out I had a super old ticket I never paid and ended up getting arrested and my gf had to spend Valentines Day bailing me out of jail… good times. Good times.


Doesn't look like anyone answered your question- Warner produced and distributed this film, and DC is a division of Warner bros. All of the characters in the movie they used look to be owned by Warner in one way or another.


Don't worry about the multiple writers for Lego Batman. It's every bit as good and as funny as this one. Zach Galifianakis is just as funny as Will Arnett as Batman.