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Catch Me if You Can - Patreon Version



As a weird coincidence, I ordered a new book of bank checks this morning lol


🖤Finally someone is speaking out on behalf of the Long John, the most mislabeled pastry in the baking world. People always assume they're the same thing, or that it doesn't make a difference. "Wow this eclair is so good" they'll say with a mouth full of Long John (wow, that sounded gross... yikes) But to all you Jims of the world, I tell you this... identity theft is not a joke...

Logan Kerlee

hahahaha, I love that there's a high tier patron named Pearl Jam! Good shit. :)

Pearl Jam

Competent cat vs competent mouse? First movie that comes to mind is ‘Inside Man (2006)’. Great flick!


Intermissions - along with Overtures were features of vintage Hollywood "Road Movies" RSVP spectaculars that were treated more like going to a Broadway Play or a Grand Opera than simply "going to the movies". I also suspect that a big part of Intermissions was technical... to give the projectionist time to set up the second half of the picture on the ginormous 70mm projectors (or, heaven forbid the multiple projectors used in Cinerama). I suspect the benefit to the audience was just collateral benefit.


This was one of those films I think I saw not too long after it was released, back when renting videos from the video store was still a thing. I was probably about 14 when I saw it back around 2003-ish. I'm not that much older than Simone and George. I liked it just as much as I did when I first saw it. The fun part of being an adult nowadays is that I can watch any movie I want without having an adult covering my eyes or my parents forbidding me from watching a particular film. My older siblings got to watch Robocop, Total Recall and Predator when they were around 13 and 14, but by the time I was 13 my parents made sure I didn't see it. I remember being 16 while I was watching Blade 2, my father would get worried that I might become brainwashed into becoming a violent murderer or vampire hunter or have nightmares or whatever. I rented both Kill Bill 1 and 2 just as I turned 16, I felt so edgy and cool LOL.


If that does happen with a mic, instead of doing ADR, train a lip reading AI on the hours and hours of Simone talking you have.... Oh no... This is a grim future. I'm imagining movie reviews and reactions done by AI VTubers.

simon brouillard

Saw the lord of the ring in a movie theatre without having red the books and the next day after fellowship I started to read it🙂. Has for Spielberg, 1941 directed by him and written by Zemeckis his regarded as a really bad movie and a rare mistake by him. Its one of the rare ones of his I haven’t seen. For those that I have seen its the BFG and its not close, so so so bad. Anyway thanks for all the content and as always, There will be blood 😏


North By Northwest!


If you like this I'd think you'd enjoy The Thomas Crown Affair (1999). It's a romantic heist film starring Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo directed by John McTiernan (Die Hard). Also, someone already mentioned this but Matchstick Men (2003) with Nicolas Cage is one I'd highly recommend as well.

Noe Ramirez

I love this movie so good! Also I pause movies all the time when Im at home. Lol especially LOTR, I love those movies but trying to get through one without pausing is so hard for me. It's easy for me to get back to the same state I was watching it before, I just jump right into it, but I can see how it could be hard for other people.