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In Lindsay's fourth (and last, for now!) video collaboration with The Financial Diet, she discusses the tropes and trends of male wealth in media. 


Why We Love Rich, Terrible Men

Film critic and YouTuber Lindsay Ellis illustrates why we're so obsessed with watching powerful-but-terrible men dominate our screens, from Mad Men's Don Draper to The Wolf Of Wall Street's Jordan Belfort. The Financial Diet site: http://www.thefinancialdiet.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefinancialdiet Twitter: https://twitter.com/TFDiet Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefinancialdiet/?hl=en Lindsay Ellis' YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/chezapoctube Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelindsayellis Written by Maggie Mae Fish: https://twitter.com/MaggieMaeFish Edited by Angelina Meehan & Lindsay Ellis: https://twitter.com/whyangelinawhy Pew Research Center: https://www.pewtrusts.org/~/media/legacy/uploadedfiles/pcs_assets/2012/empreportsupward20intergen20mobility2008530pdf.pd



You should do more of this series, either on TFD or on your own channel

Lawrence Whiteside

Great work Lindsay! Can you do one on CATS CATS CATS CATS?


Yes. Today is a Lindsayday!


Love this! I always fantasized what a Mad Men follow up w/ Peggy as a boss in the 80s would look like, essentially as a soft reboot of Mad Men. But while Mad Men was grounded in attention to the details of the period, I would imagine a Peggy version might need to take liberties with what would be believed in the time period (i.e. it's definitely believable that she would continue to be successful as a woman in the industry, but not to the level of extravagance as Don was in the 60s and certainly w/o the recklessness because women weren't afforded the leeway).

Shiny Skunk

Wait, you've only posted three of these. There are four? I'm confused.


I found another! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R6uEO8H8So


Brilliant analysis, and your hair looks fantastic. The Financial Diet suits you!


I mean, I wouldn't mind a film with a female serial killer on a spree - I would suggest the book Dirty Weekend for adaptation. Once again thank you for the video, pointing out this kind of pattern is definitely helping me understand media better. Awesome work, gang!


well...there was American Psyco 2. With Patrick Bateman's female cousin, or something...


Someone suggested “Killing Eve” in the YouTube comments as well


Angela: Haha what!? I had no idea. You know if it's any good?


Patrick Bateman wasn't a CEO, he didn't even have a job. He just pretended to work. Did anybody look up to him? Also, no mention of The Founder?