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In Lindsay's new video this week, she discusses the character of Carrie Bradshaw as The Original Influencer.


Carrie Bradshaw: The Original Influencer

YouTuber and film critic Lindsay Ellis breaks down the significance of one of TFD's favorite fictional characters to talk about: Sex and the City's Carrie Bradshaw! The Financial Diet site: http://www.thefinancialdiet.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefinancialdiet Twitter: https://twitter.com/TFDiet Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefinancialdiet/?hl=en Lindsay Ellis' YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/chezapoctube Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelindsayellis Written by Angelina Meehan: https://twitter.com/whyangelinawhy Edited by Angelina Meehan & Lindsay Ellis Median income of writers: https://www.cjr.org/special_report/journalism-jobs.php Christian Louboutin on SATC: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2017/05/155418/sex-and-the-city-christian-louboutin-shoes-heels The death of the SATC restaurant: https://www.zagat.com/b/the-death-of-the-sex-and-the-city-restaurant SATC-inspired Instagrams: https://www.instagram.com/sexandthecity_newyork/ https://www.instagram.com/everyoutfitonsatc/ Dior saddle bag: http://www.untouchableblog.com/blog/dior-saddle-bag-instagram-influencers


Lawrence Whiteside

I can't believe no one commented yet. Go Lindsay go! When's the C*ts video due?


Sex & The City always came across to me as nauseatingly, repulsively vain.


As a woman of a certain age who has always valued comfort over style, I can see why I was never interested in Sex in the City. The more I learn about it, the less I miss it. But even when I'm not interested in your current topic, I always find your comments interesting!

Karel P Kerezman

It's like a view into an entirely alternate universe, isn't it?


Fuck yeah month of January!


Hey while I'm here, anyone reading this send an appreciation post over to @coffeespoonie on Twitter. If you've seen Lindsay's XOXO presentation, you'll know why. <3


I really enjoyed SATC in its initial run - but after the 2008 crash it just seemed gaudy and awful. Maybe someday I'll be able to go back to it with more of a balanced view.

Eileen Nguyen

I wasn't really old enough to watch Sex and the City when it aired, but I watched a fair amount in college and couldn't help thinking that it seemed like media that was important for being groundbreaking, but had been done better.

Beefington von Barnstorm

I loved the first few seasons where everyone was more cemented in economic reality (for the 20%ers they are anyway) and the goofy man-on-the-street cutaways and interviews.

Beefington von Barnstorm

Admittedly I haven't gone back to it since it was originally on - I disliked the last couple of seasons and the movies so much I never went back. I was always amazed at how prudish a sex columnist was, and her refusal to believe in bisexuality was frustrating


This was very well done and provided a lot of insight. I might have to go back and give Sex & the City another watch because this completely recontextualizes it.