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In this episode, we'll physically go inside the Tropicana Casino where the convention was being held, and interview the D.A.R.E. award-winners of various categories, such as D.A.R.E. Officer of the and D.A.R.E Student of the Year.

We'll also analyze the effects that police presence has in schools and speak to Officer Mendoza about D.A.R.E's allegedly new-and-improved curriculum.

In our next episode, we'll have a sit-down interview with President Pegueros.




Christen Lasley

I actually won the DARE award in 5th grade out of my entire school and still ended up an addict! So thankful to have 7 years clean!

Michael Pelletier

Love your channel so much Andrew. Gonna keep tuning into the patreon when I can, but I gotta make smarter choices with my spending over all. If I keep spending $5 when I’m bored and hoping someone paywall content will fix that I’ll continue to never have $5 lol You’re a great content creator and I’d wager a guess you’re a cool dude too. Thanks for the dope vids

Jon Brooks

Love the Steve brule type channel 5 graphics in the beginning. Excited for that top dawg interview.


Yeah; weed is the issue. Keep projecting.

Music Colin

weed is not a gateway drug mr DARE officer winner ... tobacco and alcohol are where it mostly starts for most people ... they are the true gateway drugs FACTS

Music Colin

41.5 million prescriptions of adderall (or equivalent) were given out in the United States in 2021 , 37 million Americans are on SSRI's , and 131 million opiate prescriptions were given out in the us in 2022 .... so ya everyone... is on drugs, even probably these dare officer people are on prescription drugs and prescription drugs are the strongest , they are made in a lab by well trained chemist who get billions of dollars to test and perfect their formula and we think DARE is the answer. maybe adults who are so anti-drugs should take a look at the whole industry of drugs in America this country is truly the most hypocritical & entitled / deceitful place in the world , its mental


Andrew; you are the MF man. ❤️

Jacob Farmos

Andrew's got raps! I think the streets offer our children specific life choices before K-12 even puts them on the table.

Adam Hollingsworth

I can't believe that DARE officers are having young kids arrested if they are finding drugs on them. They should leave it to the school for punishment or even pursue the parents as to why the kids have the drugs in possession. That just throws kids into a down spiral of losing innocence.

Owen Degen

Very conflicting, as a recovered addict, I realize DAREs goal was solid. Awareness is dangerous, learning positives of drugs from DARE encouraged me, learning negatives made me skeptical, I'm not sure how to optimally approach drug education. I think, detailed, complex education on the legitimate complexities of addiction, instead of shallow caricatures of "bad/evil" would be helpful, but the real problem is that drugs are very powerful and functionally useful. To in any way accurately explain drugs to children would, especially at their maturity level, make them want to use them. Yet I know censorship/ignorance is also not the answer. Maybe the answer is to just encourage children to become drug addicts and work their way through it? I know it sounds insane, but the most successful people I know went through that, it helped them define what is actually important.


This episode is A1 reporting.

Ryan Todd


Jackson Demorest

Please update us on the status of the doc contest… also awesome video

gregory wood

this the best shit to smoke to, jus sayin

Eric Piggot

So happy I recently got the patreon

Sully Waldrop

Very happy I got the patreon this channel is so entertaining and helps me learn more about certain things been watching for a few years thank you channel 5

Dev Club

he has a real need and purpose for his recreational alcohol use


dare witch or dare princess, choose your path western man


I feel a major issue of dare is its presentation. A dear friend of mine who had since passed of a fentanyl od told me the reason he began trying other drugs besides weed was his life didn't end the first time he smoked pot like they said it would. He figured if the just say no people lied about one thing, they had likely lied about all the others drugs and their dangers.

Kerkko Sariola

Is real life Mr.Mackey from Missisippi?

Chris Carter

Drugs, drugs are bad mmkay

Nick Adams

A few years ago I found out the local DARE officer who came to my school back in the day was jailed for embezzling thousands from DARE. Shout out to Officer Vanden Heuvel.


once a month the D.A.R.E officer has a drink. Thats more than me and I work at a bar. Then Mendoza said statistically speaking marijuana is more dangerous then tobacco. What statistics?! I've never hear of anyone dying from weed or having to have one of those throat boxes from weed that heavy tobacco users get. Only thing going on today is kids getting sick from tobacco vapes. Maybe the officer is currently drunk or doesn't realize his statistics are skewed.


The dare student of the year do be fine tho

Ryan Fite

Excellent journalism

Ryan Fite

The dare officers neck twitches when asked about his alcohol use

Gilena Simons

Do you have to be sober at the conference? 😂😂😂 🇬🇧

Gilena Simons

Yup. And pick yer poison. Death rate remains 100 percent at some point. 🇬🇧

Gilena Simons

If marijuana is a gateway drug then why is it becoming increasingly legal? Heck, Mr Willie Nelson is in his nineties. And I’ve been a stoner now for 40 years. God bless it’s been no gateway to harder drugs for me and Mr Nelson. Amen. 🇬🇧


I appreciate the way you provide your own opinion and present facts to back up these opinions in between interviews, Andrew. However, I do feel it would add to the conversation of the interview if you would explain your point directly to the person being interviewed, even if it's just for one short, direct question. For example, you could ask the 'DARE student of the year' what she would think about you smoking and spitting bars at 14 while she was praying against the devil's drugs with her shirtless dad. btw how the fuck was he not dressed? Was the conference in his backyard or something hahah

Gilena Simons

Who the f6ck drinks once or twice a month? If it’s that rarely sir, why not cut that out too, great role model you? And why so nervous to admit you drink? Why not confidently state occasionally or socially? That what I do lol. What a loser leading such a loud life of desperation. 😂🇬🇧

Gilena Simons

I’d like to ask Mr Mendoza if he has a degree in chemistry or physics. To make a claim marijuana definitively is a gateway drug, in my opinion, requires such. He presents as a sad strange scared old man in no way capable of accepting any dare, let alone succeeding in such. Ty again for your intrepidness, stamina and moxie. Well done. 🇬🇧

David Evans

I genuinely drink once or twice a month lmao..I have no reason not too and that's why I sometimes enjoy it.. Not my drug of choice is all

David Evans

The problem with dare is it operates on absolutes; "marijuana is a gateway", "all drugs are bad mckay" that kind of stuff... Kids are smarter than that..we need to be clear that drugs are dangerous so you need to be careful..and furthermore these kind are the most problematic historically, these kind have therapeutic use but have a high potential for addiction, and these kind are commonly used in modern society but are very detrimental to your health... Kids can handle reality and make positive choices with encouragement but we have to give them reality first or some kids will go looking for it

Shane Webster

"All drugs are wrong" except coffee, and alcohol, and Tylenol, and Oxycodone if it's prescribed by a doctor, etc... It's clear their intentions are good. but also clear that they are lacking or actively ignoring research and that their messages of having a mental health focused approach, doesn't line up with the program. Having Officers in classrooms seems like a really good way to teach kids how to get good at hiding the drugs they are gonna do anyways. It's just a weird way to tackle "mental-health" which they keep bringing up, but also, keep putting cops in the classrooms making everyone nervous and stressed out all day long. Arguably, cops are a gateway to weed.


I agree that it seems strange to put cops into classrooms to address mental health. I suppose it has some community building between law enforcement and kids. However, if the DARE program wants to achieve their end goal then they should be sending trained psychiatric professionals.


I was astounded by the lack of evidence produced by the pro-DARE interviews. If they claim that weed is a gateway drug or worse than alcohol I need to see the data. Otherwise their anecdotal evidence of all drugs being bad is just as compelling as Andrews evidence that drugs can be fun.

An Amiable Ghost



Your mustache and reflective glasses definitely hold some sort of super power! Lol

Shane Webster

Absolutely. Especially since the relationship with police and the public has reached the decline that it's at now. The police have more outreach and transparency and accountability they need to do, before their presence is considered an 'ease of tension' as opposed the dangerous nervous uncertainty they currently represent.

J G Wentworth

To understand gateway drugs I think they should probably have a degree in Sociology too🤣 I used the drugs around my like my peers, if all my peers played soccer I might've played soccer instead you feel me. There's many aspects to gateway drugs and Addiction beyond chemistry and physics in my opinion

bob spruce

"such as D.A.R.E. Officer of the and D.A.R.E Student of the Year."


Andrew Andrew ur ass needs to start grading sum this footage


Great journalism like always

Brandon Lee

damn the more things change the more they stay the same.

Lance Pounds

Zoinks! A cliffhanger…


I always said " why did they teach us about drug and not about feelings?" That last guy is on something

Tzadik-Isaiah Dymnd

Me hitting the weed as she said it is divine comedy

Mark Melchior

Six years sober today. Took me 20 years jumping back and forth and literally nobody, friends or family encouraged my final choice. In the end it took me rejecting basically everything and everyone to hold strong. Eat real food. This life is a trap, so start treating yourself with love and respect. DARE is a scam.


Oof, pretty bad takes about recreational drug use from Andrew here. I advocate for legalization of all drugs, but come on. "They can make you more creative"? Ridiculous.

Chris Bay

I was the dare student of the year and then a heroin addict 15 years later


Congratulations man, that's huge! To many more

A High External Stone Wall

6:28 - "biggest problem today is mental health and especially vaping", does she know those two things aren't correlated? Glad you got $20k for that take.

calvin peets

Me watching this while faded AF. 🥴


Glad you guys give both sides a platform, but lets all have a sanity check and remember that weed is sold almost everywhere legally and for almost 10 years now, is it really worth talking about it as a drug in any vain? Dare is a fucked program that failed in a lot of ways, not just encouraging people to try drugs but lying to them about weed in particular it made kids feel justified in using it. Kids shouldn't be smoking weed, but to see people talk about it like its black tar while i'm high watching this makes me feel like its 1967 this is a big joke right? With all due respect to these officers sending children to our violent prison system that objectively doesn't work is akin to satanism and is the downfall of our country. If there was a box in my room that I put bad people would it be better or worse i they got hurt in the box. What if I told you I forced every person who lived in your home land to pay for the box that hurt your people ? These people may act like your friends your neighbor, your sheriff's deputy but they will trade your life away ASAP without question. These men act like American heros when they are really just attacking lady liberty in her home, kidnapping her husband and the father of her children then draining her resources to ensure the statistical likely hood of the son being next. Why Kill dissent when you can enslave it? I really want to feel like a conspiracy theorist with this topic but sadly its all facts, prosecutors cops and judges traded our country for personal wealth and when they lost the war on weed to the all powerful democracy they close their eyes and ears like four year olds till they get their way. Did anyone you interviewed even mention legal weed or HEMP. People used to be arrested for CBD flower like it was coke, lives were ruined cause cops are that stupid. Why are these people not the ones being locked up they fell for a big trick and ruined the lives of millions of people all because they were following orders? All cops are either so stupid they really didn't know any better or malicious baby eating villains who are just waiting to destroy everything again. You don't get to enforce unjust laws that you were ignorant about and then destroy the lives of the Innocent only to walk away like nothing happened. These people are criminals that no one can trust, the disagreement about the war on drugs was long lasting with historical president long before, and with people always willing to stand up and say personal liberty matters in this country more than power and control. Liberty is a stable of our nation sadly a cop could never be able to define the term, let alone agree with its importance over their need to harm the innocent. Hemp founded and funded this country and quite frankly so did smoking it. This used to be a country that if a man was in his land doing what he wanted and no one was harmed, he could smoke drink and do what he pleased, and if some one had a problem with it they could step to him on his land and meet his fire arm. But Some One ??? wants us all to be land less, gun less , and liberty less fools, so we work harder and make more value for them ? We need to hold these people accountable if not legally or physically than socially, when some one tells you they are a prosecutor leave the room or cringe or if you the host kick them out of your house. They are supposed to know better but they currently think that we are proud of what they do. Tell the judges daughter in your math class to sit some where else, don't wave at the cop that is on duty hes just profiling you to make an arrest anyway (if anything that is legal advice do not interact with them they are not your friends they need an arrest today! ).

Peter jaramillo

Aye look people will get High on anything u tell them not to it human nature. I was a heroin addict for 10 years and got clean and I will tell you the more people who told me that it was bad made me just want to go back to using it right in front of them.. so try and encourage people to get help if they are addicted but don’t force people to get help unless they want it… I was a function heroin addict I always had a job but it came to the fact I had to admit I had a problem for me to get help… (btw channel 5 pls discuss how legalization of heroin in swizerland work there are many studies showing legalizing drug can help if done correctly like swizerland, or Czech Republic, hell the reason why most of this decriminalization doesn’t work in countries is bc drugs aren’t fully legalized, regulated, and addicts publically using aren’t sent to rehab.. at the very least there should be a warning when u get said drug to where u can get help very easy.. bc all the program that have been done in swizerland legalizing heroin have all worked successfully to curve drug use) u should really check it out channel 5

Peter jaramillo

Also channel 5/andrew pls also do a documentary on the darkweb it’s a big way people are getting clean drugs now a days that are tested before they even hit your house, the web has been responsible for some of the biggest busts in recent years and have allowed people to get drugs safely again without the harm of dealers scamming you… if u need help navigating I can always help.. as I’ve been clean for years now but still can talk about it.. as I know a lot about the topic from my past drug use.. drug dealer will do insane work to make sure drugs get into this country and get sold to the point where they have a operation till the wheels fall off.. there was a recent bust with over 300 people involved getting 20+ different drugs from 3 different continents to California to be sold to all over the country… shit was crazy. Some of these guys will be directly working with the cartels and triads to make these sales (especially with the heroin that isn’t cut at all now a days) glad I’ve been sober but it’s just some in-site on this that will maybe help you

Peter jaramillo

Reply to me and I’ll give you my number if u want more details about this topic as I love your channel . I got sober in 2023 after some legal situations but I would love to talk about it if your down.. (or if I can text one of your staff that would be cool to) if not it’s all good I respect the news you put out

Emilio Cepeda

So proud of you, guys.

Jack Bowden

I don't understand their logic. If alll drug use stems from the user trying to escape a past or current trauma, then why would they want to cause more trauma in the children's life by arresting them and sending them to juvenile detention. Wouldn't that just create more drug use by their own logic ? It's just baffling to me how that officer showed little to no compassion about a child once they're found with weed.

Taylor Hamilton

I love my channel 5 subscription.

James markee

This is such an inside look at dare, it’s so interesting

Matt Miller

My schools dare officer was laundering money from the program. Fuck you Kevin Vanden Heuvel.

Mr. Magoo

Where's part 2 of the vegas tunnels series? I subbed just to watch it...

Barclay J Howarth

As some people may turn to drugs because they want to mask some type of pain, I think most people do them to get away from the struggles of daily life. Most people now work for large companies, who expect you to work like a robot and do not seem to care for the lives of their employees. I see people turning to drugs because they want to feel SOMETHING or want to just feel like a human. I see kids turning to drugs because they just want to experiment or they see someone they look up to do them. If anyone needs a D.A.R.E. program it’s adults. I wasn’t enticed to do drugs until I was 21 in college. I agree that safety policy needs to change instead of trying to get rid of drugs all together. It is very hard to eradicate something once it’s already here.

Barclay J Howarth

Totally agree. Putting someone behind bars has been proven to mess up mental stability indefinitely.


The point you made with officer Mendoza about alcohol is great. The DARE program's black and white stance on what is actually a very nuanced issue is why I think it will be just as unsuccessful the 2nd time around. It's telling when the officer of the year's favorite aspects of his job have literally nothing to do with the program, and just come from spending time with the kids and doing things they enjoy.

Torin D

I think the only reason marijuana is a gateway drugs while illegal is its easy to get others off the same time many times. While legal many times people can already get it so they dont need a dealer and wont go looking for one. I agree with Andrew some people use it to escape. Even I do. But lets be honest people use a lot of things to escape whether it be alcohol or tv or even video games. We use a lot of things to escape the day to day monotony.

Drew Bremer

I was a D.A.R.E. Camp counselor…. Oh if they knew what a degenerate I’ve become


alcohol is the gateway and Mendoza drinks every month.

William Linn

I actually got hired by a fundraising company (mlm) about a year or two ago for DARE. I left when I started to feel like I was being gaslit into working 6 days a week and over 8 hours minimum. Plus I thought it was weird my boss made over 100,000k from 6 months at a non-profit. But the funding for DARE has always seemed like the sketchiest shit. It seems more like an exploit with non-profits in our county but I was told by a lot of people that there’s people making millions of dollars, passively off these people fundraising. I honestly don’t remember all the specifics but if that sounds interesting to you, I still have some phone numbers saved and you can also call the company office I was working at directly for specifics.

Jony R

oh shit Fetus Andrew!!!!

Conrad Ritchey

Love how as soon as he realized that girls dad was a DARE officer he pivoted


The only problem Ive seen with deregulation of cannabis is that society hasn’t put in place a set of standards for what is considered normal use. The compressed timeline from “it’s completely illegal and will kill you” to “it’s all natural and therapeutic” has not allowed for proper social guidelines to form; think about the societal rules for alcohol: no drinking on the job, or alone, while pregnant, before 5 pm, in public etc. If you do these things you are labelled an alcoholic and stigmatized. Following deregulation we don’t have those stigmas in place for pot or other drugs yet. Thanks to programs like DARE, we’ve only labelled them as totally destructive. What I see as a young Canadian, is my friends stoned at their jobs and in their classes, or needing a rip off the penjamin in order to sleep or feel normal. And don’t get me started on anyone who says it makes them a “better driver”. I do see this as problematic, and I feel that we are the Guinea pig generation; we have no way to know what the limits are to being a functioning pothead until we find them ourselves. If DARE really wants to make a difference in the drug social sphere, they definitely need to ditch the abstinence approach, and start educating kids on what behaviours surrounding drugs are acceptable and safe, and which are unhealthy, dangerous coping mechanisms.

Jonas Le Loup

Its not just your mustache and reflective glasses that work wonders, ;). It's your ability to actively listen to people and ask the right questions. I rarely see reports and storys getting so close to the core of the issues as yours do! It's important to do critical reporting without condemn peoples intentions in the first place. Impartiality is so fucking important for todays journalism. I have been dealing with the subject of drugs and addiction for years now, and developed some kind of passion for it (although I never dealt with any serious drug addiciton myself). There is a reason why mankind has always used drugs throughout history and the potentials are yet to be discovered by our modern society.... I also would really be delighted if you could do some coverage of something like e.g. peyotism or perhaps the native american church in particular in the future.


sadly that is by design, as most who claim to bring us "news" of any kind actually are selling an agenda that was decided on before even asking any questions.

Jonas Le Loup

Thats kind of true, but I believe this isn't always really "by design". It happens more unintended than one would expect sometimes. The temptation to ask questions with an agenda in the first place is always there. Nobody can free oneself fully from that. The real effort is, to question the own agenda before posing a question every single time...but it is reeeally exhausting in the long run.


great video, great journalism, papa johns

Kai Lovrathas

Still no way to join the discord. I want my money back.


the thing about cannabis is its not for everyone and some people don't understand that like my mom has a traumatic brain injury and instead of her taking 5 pills a day she would rather smoke because it helps her more it really is the best option for some but on the other hand I have seen people smoke it's like they just took hard drugs..

Night Ryder

gonna stop supporting with $5 over a discord server... ur a bum 🤣

Laser Frog

have you not listened to any bands from the 60's or 70's? tons of good music has been inspired by drugs lol, like TONS

Laser Frog

Imagine handcuffing a KID and thinking you are doing the world a service. Also- dare officers really being just cops in disguise is sort of sickening too. We should not be tolerating this as a society. Our kids deserve better. Why the hell are we criminalizing kids at such a young age? Does nobody believe in innocence anymore? I'm all for directing kids into making better decisions but dare is not it. It clearly doesn't work and we need to promote damage control measures. This abstinence approach has been proven to not work. It's the same thing with sex. Schools that promote damage control in the realm of sex actually help to prevent more unwanted pregnancies. Whereas schools that promote the abstinence approach, have MORE unwanted pregnancies. Anyone who's paying attention to the statistics rather than their own dogma, will see that people need to be armed with facts and damage control measures need to be taken. Not "just say no". The law does not stop people and it's certainly not going to stop rebellious kids who have decided to try something. We need to rethink everything


tiny andrew freestyling like it’s his own gonzo video goes unnecessarily hard


really though, rather than making these kids pretend they’re getting offered drugs, they should show the path that drug usage could lead them down. they need to be shown the mental and physical decline that would inevitably ruin their life. just thinking about people in skid row, philly streets, under LV, thats the kind of shit that would make the desired impression.


Inspiration doesn't mean they make you more creative. Common misconception.

Noah Lindsay

Andrew there is probably no chance you’d consider reporting in Gaza right now??


A. It is super subjective. B. You are really going to look at all the famous and successful artists who say drugs made them more creative and be like "nah". What have you made?


The point is they were already creative, drugs made nothing. They just happened to be taking drugs while creating.

Danté Vasser

so funny how she didn’t even say why she wanted to be so involved with d.a.r.e. she just started spouting talking points


Scared the hell out of me in driver's Ed - don't drive distracted, not even once. Pretty easy conveyance to the world of drugs too - don't mess around with unverified, experimental, or untested substances if you want to live life to the fullest. All it takes is just one screw up, just like distracted driving, to kill you these days.


This is the kind of pivot I was hoping for with the DARE revamp, and it's fairly disappointing to see strait-laced, make your bed, no-alcohol-or-nuthin kind of people at the helm. If these are the kinds of folks at the helm it will continue to be a lost cause.


I would love to see a series on the Church of LDS, not because they also have this no-nonsense attitude about substances, but because they take it even further than the interviewees in the DARE revamp and swear off caffeine even. They are also fairly nice and non-intrusive to non-LDS folks most of the time, unlike many of the religions, and they genuinely take care of their people (as far as I know). Their perspective on wayward sons and daughters would be an interesting juxtaposition I bet!

Jake Lee

Does this mean dolphins use drugs because they have mental health problems? It’s a bit frustrating that if they are going to take a stance that all drugs are bad then alcohol should be their top concern. Alcohol causes many more deaths and is one of the highest preventable deaths too. In my personal experience I’ve witnessed alcohol lead to more personal issues and continued drug consumption than anything else.

Ty B

we need part 3

Nicholas Johns

Hunter Thompson would be proud of this journalism

Adam Witzke

Yall cutting thru the bullshit like a hot knife thru butter, Keep it up

Jake G

Congratulations to Lily... The 2023 D.A.R.E Narc of the year!

Brian Swanson

Your push to find common ground with those you disagree with is inspiring.

Gregory Shmegglehead

i just love you andrew , not only me but my close family i tell everyone about ur amazing journalism and we all watch and support you . please never stop until ur voice is gone.

Devin G

My mind always feels healthy after watching your videos

Hrroman Slaparsso'

I bet this guy goes home to a glass of whiskey or several every night.

Legosi San

Cummy cummy yummy like percs in my dummy

Brad Enneking

Chief Gilmore diddling kids

Brad Enneking

Shirtless dad diddling that girl

Brad Enneking

Chief Gilmore and shirtless dad sold me fetty behind Walgreens

Brad Enneking

Officer Mendoza inappropriately touched my 6yr old neighbor


Can’t wait for the interview. Also, I wonder if that last cop has ever hit a joint before 😂 like cmon man, can’t be that outta touch. Seems like they mean well tho


Officer Mendozas vegan that’s wzup .. him drinking tho is so funny at least he’s honest lmao

robert Goldman

Straight fire, you guys are cooking right now

Wet Meat

Mississippi truly does get a bad rep. Sometimes for a good reason, but there really is so many beautiful towns to visit in that state, like Natchez.

Lee Vann

What motivated Retro Bill to dedicate his life to DARE? Peewee Herman was already taken.

Kasper Nilsson

Was nice to have the guest interview from Shrek around 8min mark

Maddox Mccormick

Addressing the opioid epidemic and the broader issue of drug abuse requires a multifaceted approach. Some key solutions could include: 1. **Education and Prevention:** Implementing comprehensive education programs in schools and communities to raise awareness about the risks of opioid abuse and addiction. 2. **Improved Access to Treatment:** Increasing access to affordable and evidence-based treatment options, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT), counseling, and rehabilitation services. 3. **Harm Reduction Strategies:** Implementing harm reduction measures such as needle exchange programs, safe injection sites, and naloxone distribution to prevent overdose deaths and reduce the spread of infectious diseases. 4. **Regulation and Monitoring:** Implementing stricter regulations on the prescribing and dispensing of opioids, as well as enhancing monitoring systems to track prescriptions and prevent misuse. 5. **Addressing Socioeconomic Factors:** Addressing underlying socioeconomic factors such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to healthcare, which can contribute to drug abuse and addiction. 6. **Decriminalization and Treatment Instead of Incarceration:** Shifting the focus of drug policy from punishment to treatment, including the decriminalization of drug possession for personal use and diverting non-violent drug offenders to treatment programs instead of incarceration. 7. **Community Engagement:** Engaging communities and stakeholders in the development and implementation of drug prevention and treatment initiatives to ensure they are culturally sensitive and responsive to local needs. 8. **Research and Innovation:** Investing in research and innovation to develop new and more effective treatments for opioid addiction, as well as non-addictive pain management alternatives. Combining these approaches with a commitment to evidence-based practices and ongoing evaluation can help address the complex and multifaceted nature of the opioid epidemic and the broader challenges of drug abuse.

Delainey L

As a student of D.A.R.E that grew up around a lot of childhood trauma. I didn't know I could use drugs to escape feelings until the officer told me in detail how it would help me forget. He even taught me how to get high on things as simple as air duster. super fucked to put that thought in any kids head.


Andrew's come so far, he's now elevated to the token rapping guy ❤️


Officer Mendoza was my DARE officer in middle school, I'm currently off an edible. Shout out Irvine

Paul Hedges

"From all the statistics out there" Which statistics say that Marijuana is more harmful than Nicotine? The ones that Mendoza just fabricated in their mind to justify their position on which drugs they like?

Seth Young

Bro i have been watching on youtube since no gas no brakes. Ran out of shit to watch on netflix and subscribed. Holy shit this is a gold mine. GIVE US MORE