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Hey guys!

Hope you all enjoyed the Vegas Tunnels series, we're hoping to go check on Glenn sometime next week and see how he's doing, and if he needs any more assistance.

Anyways .. immediately after filming in the tunnels for a week, we received an anonymous tip via email that D.A.R.E, the Reagan-era drug use prevention program that lost it's funding in 1998, would be officially relaunching in schools nationwide in an effort to combat rising fentanyl overdoses and underage vaping.

We also learned that they'd be hosting their commencement ceremony and D.A.R.E. Officer training at the soon-to-be-demolished Tropicana Casino, which is less than a mile from the Rio Tunnels, so we headed over there to investigate.

In this episode, we'll speak to a pro-legalization protestor named Hailey and sit-down with D.A.R.E. spokesperson Retro Bill, who many of you (especially those of you above 30), may remember from your elementary school years as the hip face of the 'Just say No' campaign.

We'll also give a brief overview of how D.A.R.E. connects to the War on Drugs and examine the impacts of the Clinton Administration's 1994 Crime Bill.

Our next episode will be spent in the conference itself.

Also, thanks for all the great suggestions on how to optimize the Vegas Tunnels video for YouTube. We've shaved it down to around 90 minutes and included mostly everything important, but we can't post it for another week..

We've invested significantly in hiring FULL teams to record translated voiceovers in five different languages - Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portugese, and Japanese ... and they're currently all working hard in the studio to translate and record Vegas Tunnels in their respective languages. Once they're finished, we're going to do a huge international push, and then get to the correspondent submissions, which we've narrowed down to our 20 favorite.







I remember DARE and singing the amazing theme song at the end of it all. The cop had a tricked out 90s Sentra and looked like Ponch 💯

Jackie Gleeson

DARE was a joke. Everyone who used drugs ironically wore the DARE bracelets. Anything associated with Regan can go crawl in a hole and die. Regan is responsible for Reganomics, and also responsible for canceling funding to mental hospitals. If I could go back in time and assassinate Regan. I would.


You guys keep on killing it with these videos. Glad to support channel 5!

Quinn Williams

Retro Bill has definitely done cocaine and no one can convince me otherwise

sex defender

love is kinda right tho, or at least it’s gotta be part of the answer. love your kids, they’ll love you back

Kenneth Baker

Man that b roll of the kid blowing vape out of his eyelids was a fucking jump scare lmao

Kenneth Baker

Not retro bill being a fucking pretendian wtf lmao



Austin Flippin

bro patreon is like the worst video player in existence

Adam Dev

The suspense is killing me, I kinda wish you would drop entire docs on here but I respect you either way

Sneaky Blunders

i know given context it's absolutely not funny, but the timing of "or kill your mother" at 9:30 "cracked" me up.


Imo, the biggest killer of DARE was the fact that they had all these super dangerous drugs to show and then had to put marijuana in there with them and pretend it was the same danger. Everyone who tried weed realized they were full of shit, and so disregarded everything about the more dangerous stuff too.

Jeff Tuseth

My elementary school friend posted a video over 20 years ago of our DARE graduation. We were in a white majority suburb in MN... I never even saw any drugs until my Senior year and that's because I moved out to the sticks 😆 crazy to think bringing this back and making drugs illegal when so many states are finally moving forward with marijuana legalization


Oh this looks like it's gonna be a great series!! Thanks Andrew and Channel 5 crew! As a child of the 90's, this is gonna be especially fun to watch as I hit the rest of my dab pen lol


watching this while i’m fried like that egg in the dare ad lmfao


"how do you keep kids off drugs?" "... Love."

Torin D

They had DARE at my school in the early 2000's in a city in Louisiana. I still grew up to be a smoker for a while then a pothead now lol. Back then I dont think it did much besides make me aware of these things. I knew a bit about drugs but then I knew quite a bit lmao.

Riley Martin

Hey Andrew and C5 co. I really recommend Dr. Carl Hart’s coverage on drugs and prohibition. His book drug use for adults is incredible and really well written and the audiobook is read by him. I think after your coverage on Philly and SF you guys would learn a lot from each other and there would be a great dialogue!

Sneaky Blunders

honestly I think for patreon content consumption, being broken up makes the most sense. It kind of pads the monthly subscription cost, rather than him dropping one big project a month and then going dark for the rest of the month.

Anthony Johnson

Bro please find wintertime already 🙏🏾

Julian Goldstein

definitely made me way more curious about drugs, i remember they passed around resin encased roaches and shit like that- it was all anyone talked about for the whole week. i would love to see you interview a "cool mom" for their takes on this. "better they do it here where they're safe" mentality single handedly reduced possession charges by god knows how much. saved my dumb, teenage ass from MANY charges for sure.

Adam Hollingsworth

Retro Bill scares me, he will now haunt my nightmares forever.


This guys is gonna save this gen

Sid Mullendore

lost its funding in 98? i did dare all thru 5th grade... 2006-2007


Growing up I was the biggest drug supporter of all time. Now i haven’t completely reversed course , but I’ve seen the healing soberity can bring. One thing that’s absolutely true though is that illegalization is horrible. You can trust ZERO pills nowadays where before all this fent bs I could take random pills I found at raves with zero issues.


andrew andrew andrew

Wesley Potts

Man, you guys should go to Switzerland, there’s some wild experimental stuff going on over there, really stretching the definition of the word, “medicine.”


We had DARE in the 2000s. They tried to get me to sign the DARE pledge in 2005. DARE is what sparked my interest in drugs. It made me seek accurate information. Shout out erowid


Sooo..Basically all the kids will wanna do fent now. I remember them showing us bongs, crack pipes, etc and it just made me more curious.


That retro guy does drugs

Kaylee Rose

LOVE this so far. can't wait to see more

Sam tune

I had DARE in 5th grade in 2004 or 5. Must have ended around then, cause I never had it again. At that age I didn't even know about drugs it was just super weird. Once I got to highschool I was super into drugs and erowid, but that DARE shit had nothing to do with it.


Aw wow why can’t there just be a drug prevention system that is effective and largely funded

Lich Glob

I have two DARE graduation certificates. Excited to see the rest of this series


From an outsiders' perspective, I come from the Netherlands, it is crazy to me how American polarization in politics can seep into everything, even drug policies. Let me explain, there are two extremes on each side; You've got D.A.R.E. on one side, feeding kids bogus info to scare them off drugs. Then on the other, there's the 'hippy girl' type pushing for full-on drug legalization, basically because of her own struggles with prescription painkillers. Now, let me tell you about this eye-opening experience I had when I was 17. We had this drug education session at school, and the guy who showed up brought a suitcase filled with every drug imaginable. I'm talking stuff I didn't even know existed—2C-B, LSD, crack cocaine, you name it. But get this: instead of preaching, he was like, "Ask me anything, and I'll give you the pros and cons on each drug." It was like an open forum, no judgment whatsoever. And guess what ? The Netherlands got their drug addiction rates under control, only 0.1% of the population every tried heroin, fentanyl or crack cocaine. Personally I tried a lot of drugs but never felt the need to abuse them because of the open climate. At festivals, there are social workers whom chat with you just to provide you on information about how to take XTC in good dosages, pretty cool imo. So, yeah, spreading info and having open chats beats scaring and punishing people any day. Let me know what you think about all this!

Landon Willis

What a video AC. Continue to impress. I'll be watching this one again


I dont think that would work in USA because we have a culture of excess. We are literally killing ourselves with food. Imagine when every drug is fully available.

Baba Singh

Please PLEASE include a bit about Nancy Reagan being high af on pills while filming those PSAs. Andrew my friend, you CAN'T pass that up! Thanks for the share!

Anthony Horton

I shot heroin for 20 years and currently use Suboxone and the doctor in Switzerland using heroin to treat schizophrenia is also high on the drug look at her eyes a junkie can see another junkie. Also Retro Bill is using coke or meth maybe Adderall he’s on some sort of speed.

Pepperoni Papa

Dope shit man. I've always wondered what the day-to-day impact of these sort of programs were. Lot of interesting points made too my man. Keep up the good shit.

Anthony Horton

I had to coach my kids befor they took DARE because the DARE officer had them fill out a form asking them if they saw any of these items in their home. It was bongs, bowls, weed,pills, basically the cops were hoping these kids would snitch on their parents so they could make a few small busts way to go DARE


Interesting point about the culture of excess. I do believe conservative and religious culture also plays a significant role here. However, don't get me wrong; every drug (except weed and psychedelic truffles) is still illegal here in the Netherlands. We have decriminalized possession of small amounts of illegal substances, though. Anything under 5 grams is considered for personal use. And we have the right to get our drugs tested for free without any chances of getting snitched to authorities. So, do you think this kind of approach, coupled with open conversations about drugs, could actually work in the US?


Drugs Are Real Entertainment

Vik B

The text on the screen describing popcorn lung is incomplete

Sacha Devoretz

Jorre - Your point is exactly what I believe the drug conversation should be. In addition to this, have an open conversation about why...people are using drugs. I think this is the key point. Some people use drugs to dance and have a good time or whatever. But other people have childhood trauma, abuse, etc and this trauma should be discussed with kids/people too. If you're feeling overwhelmed and have a lot of stuff on your mind, talking a counselor might be a better option than taking to drugs to relieve the pain from your past. On the other hand, if you are interested in having a good time and pretty content with your life, try drugs at a party or festival but with safe assistance on site (like you mentioned), so people don't OD and have a person to talk to if they get too high. Unfortunately, there are too many societal differences between the USA and the Netherlands for this to work. The USA is about excess and they don't have a solution for the problems in their current system. It's fundamentally broken and their approach is based on fear. So for the USA to learn and have an open mind with a critical discussion on drugs, or anything at this point, is impossible.

Otherling Queen

These D.A.R.E. boomers fail to realize that drug consumption is a symptom of late-stage capital and toxic individualism and it will be with us for as long as we remain in this state.

Javier Castro

nice dawg, im excited for this series :D


D - I won’t do drugs A - Won’t have an attitude R - I will respect myself E - I will educate me now Who’s got a bump?

gregory wood

tried searching and only found some stuff relating to LSD and heroin from a while back, is that what you were referring to? asking because that sounds really interesting.


Man, you got me reading these like you’re goddamn Walter Cronkite keep up the good work fam - peace from KCMO

Grant Jansen

Any 2000s kids ever go through dare? I remember having the program in my elementary school around 2008-2010 in a suburb of Minneapolis. Maybe it still stuck around locally for awhile?

Mark from NYC

Retro "Swill" Bill gives off HARD goof vibes.


Bill Elvis is the whitest man I have ever seen

JJ Ibarra



Good content but yo how about we get some recent uploads like within 2024

zach l

unbelievably thorough and righteous journalism here man, once again putting the cards on the goddamn table! wishing the best towards the continuation of you and your work.

Travis Nerrie

I vaguely remember reading 'Freakonomics' a long time ago and I believe they addressed how why violent crime fell precipitously in the 90s even though it was expected to skyrocket and, in that book, it was attributed to Roe v. Wade.

zach l

Same here, went through DARE back in 2010-2012. despite losing its funding in 98, im afraid small-town public schools were slow to update their curriculum. Hell, i had a high school health teacher reading anti drug propaganda off a website funded by the church of scientology. In 2017! Shit is bro-ken. Thank god for the internet tho


Glad you mentioned the Contras, crime bill, ect. I just finished watching American Conspiracy The Octopus Murders, and the new Turning Point about communist and the bomb. Both of them speak of the CIA having hands in other countries staging takeovers covertly. My theory is, keeping drugs illegal allows the government to be the sales people, tax you via slave labor behind bars. Caffeine is a drug. Drugs should be legal so people don't get something with fentanyl or tranq in it and the CIA doesn't get to sell all the drugs themselves


I was straight edge in late 90s and all my friends and everyone in my family that did drugs wore a D.A.R.E shirt. It's as if every joint in the 90s came with a free D.A.R.E shirt. Where is Jose now?

Christen Lasley

I actually won the DARE award out of my entire school and still ended up being a drug addict! Thank God I’m now 7 years clean!


It's a bit strange interviewing this Haley person. Her stance is contradicting her statements. She claims to have gotten back surgery, but only received tylanol? That sounds unlikely, and it is more likely that she got opioids. But then she claims that having drugs like heroin being illegal makes it more risky due to it being cut-up with other drugs, and if it were legal to get her Adderall prescription she wouldn't have started Heroine. Adderall is treatment for ADHD, and if it's prescription and you have ADHD you can still get it. But more importantly, she said earlier that she went to heroin due to insensitivity towards pharmaceutical opioids, so making Adderall freely available wouldn't have changed her life. She essentially explains that she chose a lifestyle, that regardless of rules and laws she managed to obtain whatever drugs she was interested in anyway and still drifted into heroin use, and she says she became homeless because of it. I understand taking an unbiased position in interviews but interviewing addicts on whether addiction should be legalized/endorsed is not going to lead to solving any problem only condoning the problem. Homeless drug addicts are not something you should promote imho, especially since they don't have jobs/income yet can afford daily drug usage, money that comes from practices you showed in earlier interviews like bipping or boosting stuff from stores. It's a double tax on society. As you showed with the tunnel folk, most people don't want to change their lifestyles, and will just make up arguments that hold no ground to justify it... "i'll get clean when i get my ID", "I just landed on hard times", "I can stop when I want". But in reality, these people likely die on the streets having lived an empty life, and people like Haley are promoting this lifestyle as something that should be acceptable and even revered. Projects like DARE want to compassionately try to prevent people from picking this lifestyle because the outcome is almost always the same, very rarely do people come out and better their lifes, but now these projects are protrayed as fascists trying to indoctrinate kids by people like Haley. A world turned upsidedown. I don't think DARE and programs like it are indoctrination, people are just ill-informed sometimes and common sense doesn't take hold, so you have to force their hand in the hopes they better themselves. Like mandatory vaccinations, if given the freedom to not take it, you get things like measles coming back that we are seeing now. Taking away drunk people's ability to drive, because otherwise, this minority of people would cause too many deaths to the majority that is being responsible. There is a lot governments do to take away individuals' "rights", but taking away the ability to freely do heroin isn't one of them.

Di Me

who up looking at hailey thinking "i can fix her"


Another super important & complicated issue you are digging. Excited about learning your take! As a non-US resident, only learned about D.A.R.E when saw a (Edinburgh) fringe show called “addicted” by Nick Pupo talking about how he got into drugs. Now I understand his case is one good example!


did you goog the lady she mentioned?


I went to a private Catholic school in the Cleveland area, and it was discontinued the year before my class was supposed to enter the program (around 2014)

Elias Roberts

I won a DARE anti-smoking drawing contest in 6th grade with a picture of a boot kicking a cigarette and the catchphrase "Kick Cigarettes in the Butt". Fast forward a bit and I smoked for about 20 years.

Doug Beney

Sure about Bill Clinton cancelling DARE? I went to school in the 2010s and we still had it.

Virginia Hanna

Omg the snapping retro bill speech lol "Could be a teachler, could be a counselor..." A teachler lulz I'm dead

Virginia Hanna

When keepin it real goes wrong haha


Retro bill has that coke look about him, just saying.

John Dearborn

Retro bill definitely has some skeletons in his closet


I remember thinking as an elementary school aged kid doing this program; D.A.R.E. has to be the worst name for a program trying to get someone, especially a kid, to not do something. Terrible PR decision. It's like a "Nathan For You" bit or something. Honestly hilarious they are bringing it back.

Chris Bay

I am pretty sure DARE made me curious and more likely to use drugs. Its just like abstinence only sex education. We need to teach kids real things about the real world not just STAY AWAY.

Chris Bay

MOSTLY, all cops want to do is throw people in jail. A large percentage of the people who choose to be cops have a desire to have power over the people around them. Cops are not your friend, their goal is to find something illegal and to arrest you.

Greg Caggiano

Very cool! Can't wait for part 2


The only thing good about this is another generation of fun degenerates are going to have cool dare shirts to wear when they are older, and doing drugs 😂


I’m loving all the care and attention in these new videos! I wish the captions were more accurate. There’s one part at about 6:15 where Retro Bill says someone was “in juvie” but the captions said he was “in Jewish”. Someone who isn’t listening to the audio may initially think Retro Bill is being antisemitic here.

Eli Gaultney

I'm definitely way more conflicted about this topic after the open-air drug market stories, where it seems like even the users agreed that making drugs that easy to get wasn't a good thing (or look at what happened in Oregon or Portugal). At this point I have no idea what the answer is, but I agree we could start with some prison reform probably.

Jacob Farmos

I would like to produce, "Options (A Series of Options)" and then integrate it with K-12. It is nice to be reminded that a federal social initiative has been effectively integrated with our school system in the past.

Daniel Lovett

So glad I didn't "turn a cold shoulder" or "change the subject" or "broken record" my way out of watching this post ETA: I wonder if I or my parents still have my "graduation" certificate...it would be fun to frame it next to my diploma.

Chad Vantine

Its disingenuous with Alcohol and tobacco so easily available and killing so many.

Liam Trippi



Part 2...hurry!

Grandma knarf


Chad Vantine

Issue is with DARE they constantly lied and made it seem like just even taking a hit of weed was going to lead to a life of crime. Once you did that and you didnt want to kill anyone, you thought, man what else were they lying about?


The problem with those situations was that the drugs themselves were never properly regulated and recovery programs were still severely underfunded. Users were still reliant on catel and other underground sources of potentially dangerous product and had little to no access to help for addiction. If would be a totally different story if drugs were regulated in a similar way to OTC pharmaceuticals and there were robust drug education and recovery practices in place.


If it gets tranq and fent off the street hell yeah! I have no idea if it would though.

full sus

Pretty sure he canceled it on a nationwide level but it stuck around for a while on a school to school basis

Aidan Rhynd

I got very confused for a second when you said 2023 lmao

Joe Greenwood

I wonder if the kid who role played with that Dare officer did, in fact, go on to become the first smoker of his group of friends. So glad I subscribed. This content is A1

Daniel Flores

Retro bill came to my elementary school as a kid haha he gave me a yo-yo , I also got a “role model” medal and then ended up being locked up for a chunk of my adolescence , learned and grew so much in those iron houses of CDCR , thankful and grateful for my sobriety and red road .. great work fellas always


In the 80s an SFPD cop came to my elementary classroom and explained crack, the ingredients and how to bake it. I never got around to that recipe but I suspect some of my classmates did.

Rory Knight

I absolutely agree that all drugs should be legal. Prohibition does not work. We know this. All it does is create a black market and fund organized crime.

adam goodman

One of the main things we can do to help our young ones grow in a strong and constructive way is to have fathers in the home. 80% of men in prison grew up in fatherless homes… I think no-fault divorce law/fatherless homes has caused several of the issues we see today.

Dylan Bechtell

Retro Bill or Jimmy Neutron 🤔

Kristi Scott

So excited for this series! I was hooked. In 5th grade, we had D.A.R.E. camp and only the lucky few got a chance to go. As one of the lucky ones, I got to ride in the back of a police car to go to the Astros game. What a time...

Gaston Armand

Not sure if someone’s already commented this but in Australia the DARE program was called “healthy Harold” which was a moving bus that went from school to school, your class would go inside the bus and a dude with a giraffe puppet would do the same DARE speech about drugs and all… What a trip though, a fucking talking giraffe telling you not to do drugs. 🤣

john morgan

seven times safer? 1/8th is dangerous?


None of my friends actually knew what the acronym stood for, and we thought it was dumb anyway. So we joked about "Dare stands for DUMB" and "I DARE you to do drugs"


same with me and my friends. if THE MAN was telling us Drugs are bad then surely they are good.


I DARE you to do drugs. Exactly, that's all I think of. Don't temp me with a good time.


Well done, though you could focus more on the insane obliviousness of calling DARE a "success" while the overwhelming majority of children would call it so corny as to be farcical. Retro Bill is a clown. No amount of anecdotal success stories can change the fact that his out of touch presentation turned off far more kids than it helped. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day"

Laser Frog

I've seen first hand the negative impacts of the drug war. We were taught a strict abstinence policy/ way of life in my high school growing up. We had random hair tests that would be able to tell all of the drugs you had possibly done in the last couple of years. This made everyone in my school paranoid and actually led to worse decisions! Basically, a very large portion of the students became more interested in dangerous legal research chemicals and legal "fake weed" sold in stores because those chemicals would not show up on the hair drug tests that students were subjected to randomly. I feel lucky that I didn't lose my life experimenting with that stuff because it was very dangerous and it would have been much safer if these students were just smoking regular weed. This is a prime example of just how dangerous the drug war is. Another prime example is the fentanyl crisis. That would not be a crisis if drugs were legal and heavily regulated. Accidental overdose is now the #1 cause of death among younger people in many states. That should be a wake up call. The drug war has not only been a failure, it is endangering millions of young people every day it continues. This entire mentality of thinking you can control other people's choices when it comes to drugs is nothing but a fantasy. Although I live a very sober lifestyle nowadays, I think the amount of judgement we have as a society towards drugs and those who decide to experiment is ridiculous. The majority of the American population is already using drugs- whether alcohol or prescription drugs. So many of those pointing the finger have no room to talk. It's time we let people make their own choices. A health issue is not solved by putting a human being in a cage. We are still in the dark ages. It takes a whole lot of arrogance to say " hey I want to help these drug users" and simultaneously also believe they should lose their entire life and freedom behind bars. Nevermind, the permanent criminal record that also messes up their lives after they get out. America needs to live up to it's name and actually be a free country for once.


BUTT OUT! Chicka chicka wowww


no offense but Retro Bill now doesn't look as good as Retro then and I'm not referring to aging. He could have some addiction and unhealthy lifestyle, I wish him the best

Cecil Lloyd Brown

my DARE officer broke a kids nose when he reached for her sidearm in class. that was pretty cool shoutout to officer Gi Gi

Nyesha Jenkins

Retro bill is definitely on something lol


I had it in middle school in the 2000s, upstate NY


Retro BILL makes want to do drugs.


Right. Like McGruff the crime dog getting in felony trouble.

Joshua Price

Yeah DARE definitely made me want to do drugs. Showing a group of kids a briefcase full of drugs and tell them not to do any of them.. 🤔 Also not accurately stating the effects of drugs hurt their message. When kids did the drugs and realize DARE lied about what it does. I'm interested to see what the 2023 DARE officers have to say.

Sicoby Bliss

Lapd rules is wild


When Retrobill's shirt pattern triggers your HPPD


This is a good history on D.A.R.E https://kpfa.org/episode/against-the-grain-march-19-2024/


This is real good, thank you

Gaige Cooper

LAPD is the biggest gang of them all

Evelyn Jeanne

My dad would have loved retro bill


Retro bill gives me the creeps

Caleb Hallahan

Retro bill looks like an old cartoon character. Jonny bravo or some shit lol


I asked eight gen X people about Retro Bill and no one knew who he was. Born in the mid 80s and I don't know who he is eithier. I remember my dare graduation tho

What's that smell

Hell yeah Hailey! I have always had this philosophy about drugs. I don't personally plan to consume anything hard like meth, heroin, etc. But these are being sold openly with no testing, no batch numbers, no scrutiny, and no fallback for anything misrepresented. This leads to criminal organizations selling whatever they want to call any drugs, for maximum profit, and no oversight.

What's that smell

So instead of D.A.R.E. why don't we just teach the actual dangers, side effects, etc of drugs, and have a controlled supply. People are never going to stop using drugs, but it would be nice to stop having people drop like flys from fentanyl contaminated/misrepresented drugs, or drugs made cheap and dirty, full of nasty chemical residuals.


It come from the earth

Griffin Riguedell

I strongly believe that people could greatly benefit from understanding the prison industrial complex. Sadly, it's a subject that has been swept under the rug in America and seldom acknowledged beyond its borders.

Michael Sipos

This is an absolute gem, and you kept it very balanced and informative. My 5th grade class didn't even know much about drugs or gangs until the local police did their D.A.R.E. program, which resulted in classmates forming their own 'gangs' just for fun.

Jake Lee

Great story so far! I really enjoy these deeper dives into the facts balanced with these interviews and testimonies from regular people who were involved. Retro Bill definitely comes off a bit loony but he seems like a man with genuine passion to help others and not a boogeyman orchestrating a socioeconomic war

Kishore Krishna Das

Retro Bill is like Morrissey if he never read Oscar Wilde.

Rory Knight

Parents who care. Parents that actually be parents to their children.

Gary Eddy

Wow, for some reason during this video, I finally put together the connection of channel 5, and cripmacs obsession with 55. No wonder he loves you guys. Keep it 55th!

Mr. Magoo

Where's part 2 of the vegas tunnels series? I subbed just to watch it...

Oscar Leitner

Imagine if drugs were legal, Police would actually become your friends, not your foes.


Yeat hitting the vape made my day


I mean I get your point about the crime bill reducing violent crime numbers, but it feels like we wouldn't be where we are now if they had done more than slap a bandaid over the situation. Actual crime reduction that lasts and is meaningful would require ending poverty in those places, not just threatening folks with long sentences for the crimes they commit...and on top of that, actual crimes done by folks in the upper class or, let's say, police departments, get overlooked or aren't seen as That Bad compared to drug use or violent offenses done by folks being subjected to poverty and dangerous living situations with zero to very little support.


It feels more like the US said: "Hey, don't be obvious about your crimes or we'll send you to prison for life" to a population that was clearly in need of social programs and reforms and folks either decided to call their bluff, get sneaky, or find other means of money making that wouldn't get them thrown in jail. And I'm sure there are plenty of social programs that exist now that didn't before the crime bill was passed that also help in reducing those numbers...idk! Just because the number went down doesn't mean you gotta hand it to the crime bill that arguably made the mess we're all living in.


Anyway. Hailey is right! We would all be better off if we just accepted that humans love doing drugs and have done drugs forever across multiple cultures and if we would just, you know, regulate it instead of prohibiting it (which literally never works) you'd have less overdoses, less violence, less homelessness, MORE JOBS?...I could keep going but. Yeah. Read A (Brief) History of Vice by Robert Evans for a good intro to these concepts.


There was an interview with the prez of Mexico recently where he says that fentanyl is created in Mexico, US and Canada with the chemical that you have talked about in previous vids coming from Asia. IDK it's just with the resurgence of D.A.R.E. during the current drug crisis this remind me of crack cocaine epidemic and how the US gov was literally behind it all...

Melinda Shakti

Why does retro bill look oddly similar to Dan Schneider.. gives off the same energy too. 😬


I did dare in school in like 2011 2012ish

Cody Johnson

I don't like Retro Bill. I can't he was snapping like that while he was talking to you.


I guess in 2024 when you say 'ALL CAPS' we are talking RETRO BILL

tj morrs

retro bill is a seta beta kitten and pansexual allegedly


My mother cannot get any opiates prescribed anymore for her chronic pain because of all the tightening of prescription guidelines, despite never being a user of illicit opiates or opiates without an RX, she is now on the edge of kidney failure because the only medical solution she is left with is OTC pain meds.

Andrew Matson

Retro Bill has not aged well......not familiar with him before but I think it is time to give up the act.

Michael Hill

in the 90s I had a bumper sticker on my car that said DARE to keep kids off Ritalin.

Wyatt Ohse

I’m very pro drug but making opioids more available might be the dumbest idea ever lol


I will die on this hill. Don't drive while intoxicated...It's so easy.

David Temple

Retro bill Native American 😂

nope not

retro bill is geeked

Clyde G

Retro bill a government shill


was she really about to say heroin doesn't kill people?

Count Graagh

Drugs Are Really Excellent


Hang retro bill for war crimes


Fentanyl and other Adulterations are usually what kills people when it comes to heroin. A significant number of ODs involve multisubstance toxicity.

Shane Beyrent

my dare officer got caught with coke

Craig JS

It is a misappropriation of statistics to assert factually that DARE was unsuccessful just because drug use went up during it's time. Correlation does not imply causation. It is very possible that had DARE not existed, the increase in adolescent drug use could have been even higher than it was (i.e. it was an increased availability of certain drugs that caused the rise, not the DARE program). Second of all, you are getting a little conspiratorial here in regards to the crack epidemic and war on drugs to create "slave labor". There is scant solid evidence for the CIA-crack thing and all investigations have turned up nothing solid. And the prison labor force thing is just wild conspiratorial speculation, there is no evidence to support the idea that a nefarious top down plot was created to imprison drug users to create free labor. You guys are better than this man, don't let your biases distort honest reporting. FYI I am no DARE shill or anything and don't really care if most drugs are legalized, I just don't like seeing dishonest reporting from a channel I hold in high regard.

Raymond Vera Cruz

not mr daddy using the pepsi challenge line in front of the dare conference 😭

Craig JS

I agree, but that's a different, and more understandable argument. I'd also be curious to see how adolescent drug use has changed since DAREs dissolution.

Craig JS

Seems to be a significant spike in youth drug overdose in the five years after the discontinuation of DARE (2009). Again, not proof of anything, just an observation. https://drugabusestatistics.org/teen-drug-use/

Cary Carter

waifu material

Sandro Did Nothing Wrong

So Russian is in the top 5 languages used on the internet, if you want to expand the translation team, let me know.

Rocky Lowtemp

retro bill.... what a freak show.


Retro Bill has huge Robbie Rotten energy.

Eammon Logan

yo when you go on the flow about prison...!


Do you think DARE made Retro Bill dye his hair and eyebrows, or was that of his own free will?

ari levin

retro bill looks like an overworked underpaid elvis impersonator. hope he gives drugs a try starting with red pill about intersectional justice :)

Get Funky LLC

yo be careful using MLB footage without written consent... not worth it

Lucas Finnel

Hi Andrew, you seem very confident that incarceration caused the crime rate to drop in the 90's; however, this is a point of fierce debate among academics that have studied it. I am not saying you are wrong, but you should definitely consider the fact that there are a multitude of factors that led to the decline; and incarceration may or may not have been a significant cause. Wikipedia gives a good summary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_drop#:~:text=the%20United%20States.-,Incarceration,1990s%20was%20due%20to%20incarceration.

Jeff Kittell

Someone needs to tell uncle bill that just because he's the only Caucasian in the building doesn't mean everyone else in the building is suffering horrifically.

Josie Jos

For me it was called NOVA and had the logo of a wolf. I can’t remember what it stood for but it was another acronym

Brandon Jones

what's the source for the video of the kids singing at 12:06?


Love you!!🤟🏼


Retro fuckin bill needs to smoke some DMT

Jay Kowts

I started smoking weed during dare when I was 11 with a dad who was a cop. Wayyyy too young but this program doesn’t do a thing.

Jeremy Dolan

you can be a teachler

Pandora Wake

All DARE ever got us was a bunch of randomly cops getting sporty fast cars with DARE lettering. They claimed they needed ‘cool cars to relate to the kids’.🙄