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Right sorry for the wait guys. I wanted to do like.. some appetizer pics in between posts but I had to do a hard Windows rest ... on my body so I just got this post for now lol. but anyway I hope you guys enjoy this.

I don't usually do Ref pics unless its my own but I had a lot of fun with this one. Mainly cuz I need more polar bear practice and more practice with expressions.. speaking of which.

Make sure you groom yer Digglets...but ANYWAY I wanted to experiment with B's face some more because I think its that time of the year to do so. like just small changes just to see if they make big differences. His hair was mainly the problem in the last few iterations cuz I can never be satisfied with how it looks. 

Same thing with the Cheeks. like i feel like i could do something more with his cheeks besides make them... pointy. SO.. I tried to return to my roots, make his cheeks round, changed his facial hair and gave him side burns cuz.. my in real life are getting monstrous so i wanted to  see how that looks. Next I have some finalized ideas but I'm just.... REALLY overdue for a new Ref of him.

RIGHT so.. this was originally part of a Vent pic I made for myself but.... it was a happy accident cuz I ended up really liking the sequence and how Did B's Face and i wanted to refine it more and maybe make it stretchier but not like.. Toony stretchy? But yeah for those who know me for a LONG time would know that removing the gore from a vent pic was .. painful lol. 

But yeah.. I put the side burn idea into play and actually liked it. experimented with his colors as well.  Decided to bring back his original pallet and mixing it with the new. His newer pallet made him look.. more orange which isn't what I wanted. OH and his back teeth I wanted to see how Straight teeth would look rather than like.. usual sharp chompers. i think it adds a degree more to his expressions but I need to test it more. 

its been a while since I did like.. FULL background pic but.. again another thing i need to practice with honestly but I liked how this turned out though. I also need some work with.. Lighting. theres a lot I wanna improve on but  SOOOOOON. 

Anyway thats it for now. I'll see you guys on the next post or on the NSFW post.. also soon. but yeah I'll see you guys later!




Goodness the warm orange glow from the fire in this last pic looks terrific and that half dressed dad is just very nice. I want to do things with him...


Wow. That lighting really is a nice touch. Also, that wolf man. *Swoon*


Some good stuff as usual! :D

Dorenrab Sildano

You dig? I dig (that wolf daddy). Also TEEF AND TUNG


The face stretching is awesome. xD


Powerful teeth and vibrant expressions as always! Work those bear lips and tongue please and thank you~ Even in the last pic where the face is just normal great expression mode, you pump in that signature soothing sunlight. Am I detecting some inspiration from Braeburned in that one as well?


I love all the mad expressions a lot