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I don't know if some of you got it, but I've been harassed by one Patron constantly through out the day today on my latest upload of the Mandalorian outfit. He requested the outfit and I promised it to him. This was the third request he made and would always bring up the question, when the model would be released he was always picky and wanted adjustments after the upload or fixes for stuff that he wanted. He also started to to comment on the post after he said that he won't message me anymore before things get "heated" and tried to persuate other to agree that his fixes are important.

I'm up for fixes if something is broken or looks weird, but I literally redid the mesh on the mandalorian by hand added new seams and deleted verticies that would ruin the outfit. I also redid the textures that would look cartoonish and added new bump maps for realism. 

The total conversion took me nearly three whole days and as a thanks I got constant harrasment, that the armor plate on the hand looks weird, or the rigging I did on the cape should be on the left side of the jetpack and not over it. 

I don't force anyone who isn't pleased with my work to be my Patron or begging them to stay. So consider being kind to each other and think about it that the person on ther side of the computer is also just a human. 


Cabarte Renders

Im sorry to hear that, your work is great and you dont deserve that kind of behavior


As someone who has requested multiple outfits from you, and has also made some change requests before, I have to say that not only are you a pleasure to deal with but that your outfits and conversions are top tier. I'm sorry you had to experience that and I hope you know how much the rest of your patrons appreciate your hard work and dedication to your craft.


I'm sorry. He obviously tried to pull me into it. I just joined here this week. There's no excuse for being abusive.


People need to realize that paying for commissions does not mean paying for someone's entire time

Ari Thoma

I've just started to use your items for my personal d&d games, and I am sorry that someone was like this. Me being the ahole I am would complete the project then blacklist them. I don't know if patreon allows for that, but no one deserves to be treated badly.


Sorry to hear that. I also take requests and I know very well that some people can be much more demanding thant they should be. I hope that my requests the last time I asked for some outfits weren't bad like this one :D


I have just found you and joined and to say that your stuff is excellent ... is an understatement. Thank you....


Sorry to hear about the way you were treated


No worries mate, I know that he just tried to lur to fight for his side.


Thank you for the nice words, it is always a pleasure working on your requests. There are always interesting and new :)


Thanks man your requests are also fun to work on, usualy on the bit extra side, but still its fun to work with you :)!


Sorry to hear about that

Joe Fixit

I think your work is awesome


Props to you for sticking with it man. Some don’t know when to back off on an effort level. It looks great


Sorry to hear that you had to go through that man. This is why I don't sell any of the morphs, props, or clothing I make. I don't have the time to deal with people like that. Most of them think that this is all the creator does. No, people have lives outside their hobbies.


Some people will never be happy unfortunately. All I can say, is that from my experience, you go above and beyond to make these outfits work smoothly and look amazing. Not only did you do a request for me, but you made it so that the jacket fit a holster set that was not part of the original and that was impressive to me. For this person to be so crude is ridiculous, please remember that many of us appreciate you for what you do for us. :)


Well I understand that sometimes these things happen. But this is one of the things you have to be prepared for when doing something for others. Just don't let it come down to the point where you turn everyone else away because of a few bad experiences. I only recently became a patreon just to see what you have, it's hard getting outfits for specific characters and most people are too expensive to ask to make something so that's why I'm seeing what you got before I ask anybody to make something specifically for me.