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don't you worry i did not forget about you♥ just having some minor technical problems let me show you.

First i had a problem with the way i do AI (artificial inteligence)

the way unreal does ai perception is a bit.... fucky? yes this is the right word for it!

One big problem i feel unreal has is you can't make the Perception follow the Head or the eyes, it is kinda static on the Forward axis of a Character.


The blue arrow shows the Forward axis,

Now this is poopy... because the way npc's see the world is different than usual.

So i made a workaround for this a while ago,

Every character really has two NPC's, one is the Body you can see, one is the "brain" so to speak.

This "Brain" actor is attached to the eyes of the "Body" npc and functions as eyes.

This way the See Perception is always the way it would be in reallife, a character can look around and see new things or things that would be usual inside the perception are not because she/he rotated the head to look at something.


But thats not all the "Brain" actor does at eachNPC,

it also regulates behavior, ractions, body functions as Pulse, and stores important information for example the individual relations between different npc's.

All this is like 99% done and implemented into the Framework i made,

but sometimes it takes like forever to find a specific error or better said the reason for unwanted behavior....

Now when you are ingame, you have a little UI on the bottom left corner that tells you your "Stamina" this value regenerates when you stand still or move slow, but it reduces when you do stuff...

how does it know you do stuff?


It actually takes the velocity of your Ribcage and Pelvis to calculate a energy consumtion value


This may sound overkill but it is actually the easier way to do!

The alternative would be adding animation notifys to all animations with the correct value of stamina lost, so this little code reduces the work actually by a lot.

So now what was the problem i had?


its really really stupid....


This little "Is valid" node solves like 10 problems i had.....

why you may ask?

The reason is, that it actually created two Brains for every character.... they worked together more or less and they overwritten their target variables inside the events, the character pawn and ui's.... and this created bugs bugs and did i mention bugs?

The plan was releaseing much more today for you♥ but am still working on it! 

Will be posting it what i originally wanted to show you as soon as i am done!

What u also did was fixing tons of animations where i made a mistake with the exporting, its no big deal because luckly i thought about a nice system where many animations are saved in only one animation asset :3

And something else!

Please download:

Google Drive 1gb

It is just a very very simple test to see how the new fur and graphic settings behave for you♥

It is really just a npc standing there and looking at you

Please tell me your Framerates and any graphical glitches or crashes you may encounter :O

The fluffy friends tested this before, but i changed a few things so if you already tested this you may want to check out this version again if you had any framerate issues.


-Added Loading screen

-Updated Settings so Splines are their own checkbox and are working indipendend from Fur Shells

-Added Checkbox for "Looking into the camera"


Your furrier,

Someone asked about if you can make npc's follow you on discord,


Press "F" to make a npc follow you and hold it down for a few seconds to lay on a leash :3

can you imagine Mirage on a leash? :O



fogot do add a download link, will be there in just a minute :x


Ooooh cannot wait to try it on my pc


please tell me then your framerate and on which settings you will be playing on ok? :3


Just downloaded now. Extracting and then I brb with the info!


So with fur on ultra and spline on, I switched through all general renders. FPS shown as follows: Low: 55 - 60 FPS Medium: 45 - 50 FPS High: 38 - 43 FPS Ultra: 30 - 34 FPS I have 32 gb ram and GTX 1070 Definitely going to be playing on Ultra! It looks good!


Haha thanks! Also no problem, thank you for these devblog releases! It's building up my excitement for the game so much.


K, so i tested it with fur collsion enabled as well: Max setting FullHD = 35 - 40 FPS Max setting UHD = 25 - 30 FPS Render quality High Full HD = 50 FPS 32 gb Ram with a GTX 1080 TI Let me know, if you need more info ;)


Welp, thanks to Covid a bit of money went into upgrading the PC as nothing else was really possible One of the older parts is actually my GPU that i extra got for playing VR stuff and im actually happy that i did...before the whole "crisis" happened.


Ultra 30/40FPs Low 60 FPS Medium/High round about 50FPS Using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060


for me Low: 40 FPS Medium: 30-40 FPS High: 27 FPS Ultra: 20-23 FPS AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series (6 years old)


Everything with fur collision on: Low: 60+ Medium: around 40 High: around 35 Ultra: around 30 On everything but low it makes a huge difference how close I am and how much background I can still see. I guess that's all the fur doing the work. UI-scaling is a little messy for me. At 1440p it hides the "Quit game" button, if I go out of window-mode the "Back to game" button as well. Going out of window-mode also doesn't set the game as active, I have to tab out and back in to be able to click anything again. I have a GeForce GTX 1660 Ti and 16GB RAM btw.


I get an error when in the settings menu: "DLSS is not supported due to NotSupportedDriverOutOfDate." How do I fix that?


Thanks for telling me, I have to fix that. Still need to look into fidelity fx for AMD cards 🐈


Thanks for telling me that and your feedback will rearrange the ui so this won't happen, did not notice that at first but it's true when resizing the window 🦉


Oh OK then it's the dlss mode, there are different ones and a function to check which one yours supports that I need to add ☑️


Alienware m17 R4 32GB RAM with 3080 RTX 16GB VRAM on Direct HDMI Connect to a G-Sync Monitor: (Tessellation MAX) Medium: 60 FPS Stable Ultra: 50-60 FPS Strange behavior with Split Fur as soon as it is turned "off" the FPS Drops hard 35-40 FPS The other part if "on" the Fur looks somehow like doll hair very individual as soon this setting is "off" it looks more like Fur. Light and Shadow play on Fur causes artifacts on some strains of Fur. (Split Fur ON)


I have been loving the technical run downs


Oh really 🐱 what do you like to read next, something about artwork and animation or the self made fluid and collision simulation solver?


Animations and stuff. Also can you show the male feline anthros?


Oki 🐱 will add the male versions to the next devblog of the bluefoxes/Wolfes and bunny's the male snow tiger is not done yet maybe I finish him tonight he is my favorite male player model because he is huuge three times the size of the bunny male with ears lol


I prefer the artwork and animation posts. Im not exactly sure what fluid and collision simulation is? Is that how the fur works? Cause yes that's pretty neat. But you made a post about how the NPC thought process worked and I kind of found that enthralling.