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-There is a Gamebreaking bug that occurs in rare cases, where you can not destroy the Spiderweb with the sword in the beginning.
I am working on finding out what happens there!
If you expierience this bug use the 100% Savegame in the Attachements.
Place it under:


First i like to thank everyone for that awesome feedback and bug reports you gave me, a big ♥ for you!

Thats why i added a secret Easter egg into the game can you find it? :o

-Loading game system works now (main menu)
-Changed camera setup in the Drider scene "Tab" for Third person + different angle.
-Added two Kissing animations in the FurJob/Cuddle+ scene (they blend together)
-Added a animation to the Cowgirl position.
-Changed collision for Ansel Free Cam.
-Changed Ansel Photo mode behavior (no longer pauses game)
-Speed slider (Q+E) now has much bigger range.
-Added a Easter egg

See Original Release Post (v1):

For the New Kissing animations, there was one in the first version but it did not play due to a bug, and i did not had the original File scene on hand.

So i made not just one but two Kissing animations that blend together to make nice movement. (also looks better in First person than the old one) YaY :3

Downloads ~5.3gb:

Google Drive 


Torrent -Look into the Attachments of this Post

A Big Thanks for everyone helping seeding the Torrents! You! are! great! *Hug*


Your Furrier,




While I am at work..... You Monster XD

Wayne sills

I can't wait to try 😁


so then my plan worked, hahahaha! https://youtu.be/Xzx3-hKl__8


I've gone down the rabbit hole... and it was glorious


It was the first time i tried a technique to animate multiple same skeleton characters, learned a lot in the progress, and the framework supports this with much less work and less code needed than in this easter egg. Sadly this also means i have to redo this animation for the full version, but then i make it as dynamic to your input as the Redfox animations :3 Also there needs to be a cuddle animation with like 10 bunnies on top of you :D


I have tried to make it all work but I don't know how to make torrents work. ;-;


Okay there is a game breaking issue in the beginning. I got the sword and went to the web but the sword is not doing anything... AT ALL. Can you just give me a save or something because this is a serious issue. Edit: Nevermind... I got it to work by literally standing and looking straight up. Still weird though. Guess my rig is too strong. lol


Oh that's a weird issue did not occur in testing, will definitely look into this! Thanks for the bug report! Maybe I can fix it by making the attack line trace bigger. Do you still need the save? In any case I upload a 100%one and link it in the post above.


Same issue here. I can't seem to get past the web with the sword.


so there are two passes next to the grid on the left and right. You can find them easily. ps as in the first location you won't get the sword, but you will come by a side road. You'll get it in the next section. I found 1 passage so I could get behind the spider and go outside the map :)


Sorry to hear that I work on a fix 🦊 please use the save game and load ''snowscape'' you won't miss much its the map that comes when you get out of the cave..


I've only just now had the chance to try this out and ..wow..<3 Seriously amazing work you've done here, Furrier! The models, the environment, graphics, everything.. also thank you for the kissing animation<3