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You maybe be interested what i did instead of sleeping,

I finished the original Minigame version of Frost! YaY!

This is the Original first version of Frost, it features extreme Cuddling with Maru the Redfox and a bit of adventure gameplay!

I made this version more than half a year ago, but i got kinda depressed of the many bugs and things that would just now work so at the time i decided to not release it and instead work on the Full version i have always dreamed of. 

A few weeks ago then i noticed that many people like the concept of Frost and i got sad that i disappointed you with not getting the Original release done, 

so i began to work almost every night on understanding my old and really poopy code (really poopy) and fixing the bugs that a few monts ago where really hard, 

but Thanks to YOU♥ i learned so many things that it was not a problem anymore and slowly i finished this minigame into a state where it is fully playable.

Thank you so much for your patience with me, i ♥ you! :3

Important to know:

This version does NOT use my new and awesome Framework, i simply continued work on my old program code!

Sound and animation dynamics is not perfect, you can see it as a game that shows what i was capable (almost) of 8 monts ago. 

Since then i learned many new techniques that i combined all in my new Framework which will be used in the Final version of Frost that then will also feature Impregnation and the endless mode!

Please see it as Minigame and not as the Full game which will be The Final Frost!

And Please Remember to use the "W" and "S" Keys on your keyboard to play special animations!

All controls are on screen, you are with Maru press "H" to show the help!

I also noticed that i had forgotten to add a few animations 2 or 3 to the code, i will add them when the final version of this game releases after you found the game breaking bugs and anying things like:

Know issues:
!!!Next Planned Update fixing those bugs will be aviable in 24 Hours!!!
-In NVidia Ansel mode the collision is a bit to big (looking into fixing this)
-Two afterglow animations are not triggering
-Loading system does not work correctly
-Drider camera captures action bad

So now to the Downloads:

Size ~5gb -Zip file (so much for a Minigame...)

Google Drive 


Torrent -Look into the Attachments of this post!

Please Keep seeding the Torrent, my internet connection is really slow and i can not seed it for myself. Thanks to everyone seeding the torrent a special ♥ for you!

For everyone not able to download/play the game:

i made a Huge Gif and mp4 collection of many of the animations

Which is still uploading, please be patience for a few more hours i will add this package here and to the download list as soon as possible.


and let me know if the download is somehow not working or if you experience any issues!

Your Furrier,

*This is one of the animation i had forgotten to add, you will see it in the next and Final version!

Special thanks to KytaKun for helping me out with Ui Sound effects and the awesome Main menu Music!




Oh glorious day


oh glorious jukes♥ Will update the download links as soon as my snailnet connection has uploaded them :3


looking really good still just from the gifs. will try it out when I have time ^^ already looking forward to final frost then :) but no matter what, I hope you take your time to work on frost the way you want and make it so you are happy with it furrier. even if it takes long, if you won't be happy with how it turns out, imo it shouldn't be released then ^^ just do things the way you want them to


Thank you♥ I appreciate that, you are great :3 Also just added Mega download, google drive had an error and i restarted the upload..... x_x


now we can get an idea of what's coming in the next frost game thank you Furrier for pushing this older game just to give us a taste hehe


i replaced nearly everything from that release in the full frost game because so many things changed since that, and it would be really sad for all this content to never see the "light of day" if you know what i mean. Nothing there will spoiler you for the full release, the whole beginning is different so its a nice "demo" i think also now you know what you would have played in december/january. Sorry again for that crazy delay but at least its now there and i can concentrate on the full frost experience in good conscience :3


this is so damn hot i love it 💖💖💖


Thats really well done. But i have a question, maybe im just stupid. The gif shows a kissing/handjob animation. How do you do that?


That is something I am looking through at the moment, usually it's the after sex animation for cuddle+ but somehow the bool triggering that is not activating, there are two aftersex animations that are not triggering in packaged games this one and the on top submissive pull out one. Working already on a fix, but I wait with uploading a few more hours if other bugs show up that I can fix too, in any case I upload the fix in 24 hours from now!


Will fantasy harem/full frost have higher resolution? my monitor is 2560x1440 but noticed the highest it goes is 1920x1080 on this minigame


Oh also super important, how do i use the burger king app on my phone?


Full screen will override this, but I simply add a box where you can type in any resolution. Really did not thought about this thanks for the feedback! 🐈


I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.


Hey Furrier, you made so Good Progress and i hope to See more Works from you in the Future. 🥰