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Dear new Patron:

Thanks a lot for your kind support. Your pledge will help me in a tangible way to dedicate all my available time and efforts towards more and better works.

Best Regards <3

NOTE: This is an automated message. Please wait for my custom one containing your welcome gifts.

In the meantime please check the content that's already posted :)

Added: 2024-01
Dear new Patron:

Thanks a lot for your kind support. Your pledge will help me in a tangible way to dedicate all my available time and efforts towards more and better works.

Best Regards <3
Added: 2024-01
Dear new Patron:

Thanks a lot for your kind support. This will help me in a tangible way to dedicate all my available time and efforts towards more and better works.

Best Regards <3

PD: Please wait for my custom welcome message for more specific info and your welcome gift :)

Added: 2023-01