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Star Trek TNG 1x15 Full Reaction

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This episode was intended to go before The Big Goodbye, and serve as the explanation for why the holodeck gets so out of whack there. But now that those episodes are such a famous and accepted part of the whole franchise, it really isn't necessary anymore. It's especially amusing to see everyone making such a big deal about Minuet, and insisting the holodeck couldn't have made her on its own, as later on we'll be getting tons of fully sentient holograms on her level and beyond. Oh, and anyone else want to shout at Beverly to not create the Borg?


Yeah, I heard this was meant to be before the noir episode, and I noticed the big deal made with the holodeck characters compared to what’s to come. Again, first season stuff that I give it a pass. And I did catch about Beverly with the Borg. Road to Hell, good intentions and all that.

Ian Smith

One of my absolute favourite episodes of the first season,this is (as you appropriately expressed it) adorable. Jonathan Frakes originally learnt to play the Trombone,to professional standard,as a fallback career in case he never found work as an actor. I love everything about this episode - but I must give special credit to the music; both inside the Holodeck ("The nearness of you"), and the Bynar Theme. Lovely.