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Star Trek TNG 1x13 Full Reaction

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Ian Smith

The obligatory 'Evil Twin Episode', which was a seemingly ubiquitous staple of US TV storytelling,back in the day. Nonetheless,this concept works well within TNG's format. I always feel that the first half of this episode is highly effective. As Thomas and Ryan point out, the episode rather devolves into a 'no-one believes Wesley' plot; but I love the confrontation between Lore and Worf in the turbolift,and the final confrontation. The music score during the scene where the corridors on Data's "home" are being explored is very reminiscent (presumably inspired by) Jerry Goldsmiths score for 'Alien'.

Dave Hampton

Just a comment to say I am enjoying the reactions to all the episodes. It seems like you have not seen any of the episodes you have reacted to yet except one (I think you said you think you saw the pilot before but did not remember much of it). Also based on characters introduced in previous episodes who become recurring (I won't say which ones) and reactions to them I am guessing you have not seen a lot of what is to come. I am on board still for reactions to all the episodes. About this episode, I always enjoyed it and still did but on rewatch it had a lot of filler time in my opinion and was lighter on dialogue than I remembered. It had some unanswered questions (some listed above by others) that could have been answered with that filler time.