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The Mandalorian 3x06 Full Reaction

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So, as I commented on youtube, this was not the type of episode I thought we were going to get this week. But it ended up being SO much fun that I got over that quickly. I also did not have Jack Black and/or Lizzo on guest star bingo. I confess embarrassment on my part in that I’ve proven how I am the furthest thing from being with it when it comes to modern music as I didn’t know that it was Lizzo until the end credits. I did say, “She seems familiar, just can’t place her.” then seeing the credits, I said, “Oh, that was Liz... Jesus, I'm out of it.” Yes, the role Jack had is a perfect fit for him in this universe. My reaction was similar to yours in that I was shocked, it took a minute to process, and then when I did, I started laughing in joy, like a big belly-laugh. You mentioned it felt like Alice in Wonderland, I expressed similar feelings that it had a Lewis Carrol vibe with shades of Douglas Adams. I did know that Christopher Lloyd would appear at some point in the season. I did not know who he was going to play. He was delightful as Commissioner Helgait. I mean, it’s always a pleasure to see our beloved Doc. Or is it our beloved Reverend? I loved his Separatist plot to infect the droids with his, I would assume, Dip-soaked nano droids. I almost cried at the Count Dooku mention. I was over the moon seeing the battle droids. Upon seeing the episode, I KNEW you’d love the droid focus. Yeah, Mando was fully onboard with going after the droids. As you say, Mando never moves faster than when he’s about to fuck up a droid. Especially if a droid wants to fuck up Grogu. It feels like it’s more battle droids specifically, though yeah, droids in general trigger him. In answer to your observation that if there was an episode of a C-3PO and Mando team up that they would not get along, I think they’d eventually get along. It will happen. 3PO will win Mando over if we are ever blessed with such an episode. And Jess, I will be here for your reaction when it happens, and I will love every single second of it. I loved how the bar went quiet the way it did; it reminded me of a scene in Animal House. The ending fight scene was great, as was its resolution. I loved your wanting Woves to stop coming after Mando. I got a laugh and said, “Yeah, if he keeps it up, he’s not going to need that little knife, he’ll need an umbrella. Because there will be a SHITstorm that will RAIN DOWN on that punk, courtesy of Jess.” Concerning your questions at the end. One, I loved hearing you express your love for Mando. Second, your ponderings of Mando and how he’d feel about ruling Mandalore. I imagine his thought would be, sure, he could do it. But he doesn’t want to. Heavy lies the crown, sort of thing. Now as to the logistics of Bo now having the Darksaber. I’ve given it some thought, and we’ve established through Darth Maul that one does not have to be a Mandalorian to challenge the claim. There's likewise no rule as such that would prohibit non-sapient creatures. Thus, it seems a perfectly acceptable loophole to me, and I have no qualms about Bo having the Darksaber. However, therein lies a dilemma in that the Emperor was the rightful claimant and none of the parties in this final scene of the episode ever defeated him. Then again, circumstances being what they are, good ol’ Sheev’s not going to be using the Darksaber in any event, thus, again, I’m fine with Bo having the Darksaber. Oh, this was such a fun episode today! Your reaction, likewise, was most fun! And it has made for a most lovely birthday treat, Jess! I really truly appreciated it, thank you so very much!


My favorite part of this one is how it plays with your expectations. Everyone probably assumes at first there has to be some deep dark secret to a bright, shiny society like this, especially when we learn Jack Black was an Imperial. But no, it really is just as great a place as it seems and he really did turn on everything he’d known after falling for the woman he was sent to conquer. Also, a big laugh at Lloyd describing Dooku as in his prime. Just how long do humans typically live in Star Wars?


Haha! Yeah, I caught that too about Count Dooku being cut down in his prime when the man was eighty-three years old. Curious if the average life expectancy for humans is like in Star Trek. Then again, Sir Christopher Lee lived for another decade after, kept working, reprised the role of Saruman, and he made and released heavy metal albums, so maybe Helgait is onto something.


Also, the way he's cut off an instant before saying Anakin's name. "Sorry prequel fans, you've met your fanservice quota for the episode."


Haha, such a silly episode! The fume online from this one is hilarious!! This to me is very much like one of the sillier, campy Clone Wars episodes, and I'm all for it. Lizzo and Jack Black are a cute couple, and seeing her cheat in her parlour games as Grogu uses the force to get food, is a hoot. Bo and Din play good cop/bad cop, and I was a bit shocked at Din kicking the B2, and thought of him doing that to C-3P0, however as good as Din is, he'd then have R2-D2 to deal with, and we all know who the victor of that encounter would be! :D The droid bar was fun too, and it reminded me of the droid spa from Clone Wars. These droids work hard, they need their downtime. When Bo takes Din to one side to reason with him, he sounds like an impertinent and stubborn child, and mum is telling him to calm down! This is almost like a skit from the lethal weapon series with Danny Glover being the reasonable one, and Din being like Mel Gibson as the loose cannon! :) The great Christopher Lloyd spouting about Dooku being a visionary who was 'cut down in his prime' at 83 is bonkers. I can see this part of the episode being a cult classic in a few years. And at the end Bo gets back the Darksabre, where it belongs. So all is well, for now.


Yeah, I kind of anticipated the backlash to this episode. As soon as I finished it, I knew that there were going to be fans who were not happy with it. Honestly, like I said, I had an insanely good time; this episode was a gas. My belly hurt from all the laughing I did. I've heard the comparisons to sillier episodes of Clone Wars, and yeah, it does feel like that brought to live-action. Don't think Mando would go so far as to kick C-3PO. His droid prejudice seems particularly exacerbated by the battle droids for obvious reasons. I also hope he wouldn’t kick 3PO for the simple reason of it would make Jess upset. If he did, like you noted, R2, if he’s present, would take exception and things would get ugly for Mando. Good Lethal Weapon comparison. Yeah, Count Dooku being cut down in his prime at the tragically young age of eighty-three. Next, we’ll be having Elia Kane saying the same thing about the Emperor when he was eighty-eight at the time of Endor. I’m already annoyed by some of the backlash towards Bo-Katan having the Darksaber again. I get some of the concern, even then, the backlash is annoying and slightly tiresome. I'm of the opinion that given the growth she’s been going through, I'm very hopeful that it will go well for her. I can see her doing a great job of uniting and ruling Mandalore.