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Supernatural 7x20 "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo" Reaction

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I knew you'd love Charlie. She's awesome. I've been a long-time fan of Felicia Day. In a round-about way, she's responsible for my Supernatural obsession. I loved her web series The Guild and then watched her next web series Dragon Age Redemption. That got me into the Dragon Age video games, which led me to start writing fanfiction. Naturally, I also began reading a ton of fanfiction and eventually browsed outside of the Dragon Age fandom and found Supernatural fanfiction, which led me to start watching the show (and the rest is history). I'm definitely one of the fans that doesn't enjoy season 7 very much. However, there are many great moments in Season 7 (like meeting Charlie) but the Leviathan story arc left a lot to be desired. Thankfully, we're almost through this season! ❤️


Also, the new MST3k along with Patton Oswalt.


I think season 7 feels out of sorts for fans for a few reasons: loss of Bobby, Cas not being around for a long time, the boys aren't driving in the Impala (!). Charlie was a bright spot.


It really feels like after the end of Season 6, they panicked a bit after realizing there was no way in hell they could do the epic war against Heaven they’d set up on any kind of budget, and the Leviathans were a hasty replacement for it.


I've never been into MST3K, so that's not relevant to my story.