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It's Okay To Not Be Okay - Episode 6 - Reaction.mp4

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Estherlynn Lubin

Well well well look who’s on break😂😂 but not one whole hour so ima watch Bobby’s video and save this for when I sneak away to ‘nap’ 😂😂😂😂


Wow the way we are getting fed 😂😂👏👏👏


literally gonna have an exam in a few minutes :( i’ll just watch it when i get home KSJDB


I was about to sleep but nvm!!


To answer your question, I am not sure if they are actually physically more stronger for something related to the syndrome but once I got slapped SO HARD by my 6 year old cousin. I tried to get him down of a table, afraid he would fall and he slapped me so hard I almost cried. Can someone please elaborate more on the topic if they have more information, I would also like to know why it feels like they are much more stronger.

strawberry jam

I really liked the actress in this series.. i suggest you watch Lawless Lawyers she is also the main actress she is so good. its available on Viki


not an expert but to my knowledge,,, those on the spectrum experience emotion and can struggle to control them,, which might lead to them not being able to control strength,,


humm she did deceive sangtae bc she knew he was gangtae's weakness but she idn't use the fct that he need a camping car as a key point to make it sign. if you look closely to the contract she sid she would pay him but he scratched that and wrote that she should give him a camping car (which she agreed). what she did was manipulative but it wasn't that malicious (imo)


It's so interesting. If you remember in episode 5 when Baby Gangtae turned up at the Gate Moonyoung ran downstairs happily smiling, got stopped by her Mom - next thing we see is how she stamped on his flowers and told him to get lost. In this episode we see her Mom asking her why she brought him here and actually hurting her by pulling on her hair. Then Moonyoung screams at Gangtae to run away because she might be afraid her Mom would hurt him instead of Moonyoung. Also, I love how the actress showed that it didn't matter what Moonyoung said, she clung to him like a lifeline because she didn't want him to leave and Gangtae realized that too which is why he promised to stay with her. So many Layers to their Story.


yeah they’re doing a really good job, i was gonna say something about her gripping his shirt but the moment was kinda intense! she was bawling aw man this episode was really good


Also Save Me, my favorite drama, she’s just so good😭


I like the juxtaposition that yeji from her fits looks like she has her life together but shes really struggling with all the trauma from her childhood and its interesting how that backstory unfolds as she starts to open up more


Ahhh this is such a good episode. I feel like we really start to see the depth behind all of the characters here and the traumas that shaped them in their childhood. Like they were always multidimensional characters but I feel like from here on out we really get to see more into them and learn about how they think. It’s really interesting and this show just does such a good job of veryyyy slowly pulling back layers

Sham Sham

I remember I was not having it the way moon young’s was playing sang-tae at first. She knew he would accept her offer to be an illustrator and work for her knowing how much he likes her. And she knew by having him work for her and saying he had to live there he would be bringing gang-tae which was all she wanted in the first place😫 and ice Shays her stories of how People who suffer autism r stronger but never knew if it was actually true or not. And u think the whole think about the mom situation this episode was confusing boyy just wait, u gone get even more confused😂


Just to clarify on why she might have swayed when the woman said she was her mom: she was very young back then, and from what we heard so far she saw the dead body of her mom drenched in blood which must have been a very traumatic experience at that age (and at any age for that matter), all of this must have led to a lot of denial on her part that would constently clash with her clear memory of the body and the ever remaining blood stains on the floor. Her brain memory of the event probably got messed up in the process, so now eventhough she still remember the horrible sight of the corpse, the blood etc she still has a hard time believing and distinguishing the fake from the true. And the fact that her mom was so terrifying yet still her one and only 'loving' mom in her then childlike eyes makes her internally wish yet deeply fear that she might as well still be alive. (I grew up with a schizophrenic/psychotic mom so i relate on a deep level with her feelings) The whole ghost thing is def. a way for the director to really show the audience what is going on in Moonyoung's mind and how hard it is for her to tell apart the real from her illusions/nightmares. This way we physically and psychologically witness her painful and traumatic childhood in a way that is way more visceral than with only disconnected flashbacks. Imo the drama is doing a great job portraying the effects of bad parenting and more generally trauma on a child/adult mental health so I'm glad that your loving it too so far.


I know the final scene stole the show but for me I think my favorite moment of the episode is when Mun-Yeong comes downstairs and finds that Sang-Tae and Gang-Tae have pretty much turned her gloomy cursed house into a home. They've dusted out the cobwebs and thrown open the curtains and there's food in the kitchen and a real sense of warmth there. she just looks so bewildered that you can tell she hasn't had that in her life and it's really heartwarming but sad.

Estherlynn Lubin

Okay I finally had a chance to watch the episode. To answer your questions, there are different levels on the spectrum so not everyone with Autism would be so like that. They are low on empathy, super honest, does things based on rules instead of feelings so they are not able to control their emotions. When they do get angry, because they aren’t able to control their strength, they tend to use full force. As for MoonYoung, it’s not that there’s ghost around, they just filmed it like that to show that she’s still being haunted by the trauma that was her childhood. Her mother was a key factor. Very controlling and wanted to shelter her so much that it was suffocating. Her nightmares are truly scary.


Save Me was the first drama I saw her in and loved it. She is such a great actress and is SO beautiful!


the child actor who played gang-tae did an increeedible job