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I hope everyone had a wonderful new year!

I for one , am feeling well rested and ready for a new year!

I spent more time doing some lore writing for books in game this week,  Its something that is a little out of my wheelhouse, but I think I'm doing okay with.   I'm not gonna spend a HUGE amount of time on written stuff to appear in game, as writing is again not in my wheelhouse.  I am also not just gonna throw out my first draft of stuff, either.  Expect lore and dirty stories to trickle out slowly.  I do want to have a bit of lore and one dirty store for the next build though.

I otherwise spent  some time doing character work, both retopology and animation on characters I want to bring into the game sooner than later.

I really would like to release a new build this month, but I might need a little more time.  I think I'll have a better gauge after this next week, and I'll keep you guys updated!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Week, and stay safe!



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