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  • UE4Editor_2023-10-13_18-01-36.mp4
  • UE4Editor_2023-10-11_00-12-06.mp4
  • UE4Editor_2023-10-13_21-14-18.mp4



I'm posting a bit early because I might be away tomorrow,and I want to make sure I don't miss it!

I had a pretty productive week, and got a lot done!

I have the final stage for the pumpkin ghost animation done, and the climax is gonna be pretty quick so I'm excited to get that done!

I've also been building some Halloween themed "Spooky" rooms, so there will be a few of those in the next build.   I don't think I'll have anything that's actually scary, as that's not really my wheel house, and I don't know how to do that, but I'm still gonna try to make if fun!

This has been an enjoyable experience for me!

Anyway, I hope you guys have a wonderful week, and stay safe!



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